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Exif Stats from RAW images


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This might be a shameless plug for a free tool I just wrote that seems very

useful to me, but I figured many others would find it useful too, so just wanted

to disseminate the info.


If you ever wanted to know which lens you used most or which focal length,

shutterspeed, ISO, aperture etc that you favored, here is an easy way to get it.

Run the Exif Stats utility available <a

href="http://www.thezeal.com/blog/?p=145">here</a> .


Comments appreciated. Hope you find it useful.


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I tried it! Somewhat hairy to get it going. No clue as to what README could be read by - it's MS WORD. That text tells one how to RUN it, but then follows up with IF YOU ARE STILL CONFUSED - which I was and gave up. Put simply - I failed to use it.


Thanks for the info.


Myrddin Jones

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M Barbu, Its easy to port the GUI to any OS. I can probably port it quite easily to Linux, but I don't have access to other OSes.


Myrddin Jones, sorry for the confusion caused by the Readme. That readme is for the perlscript that is called by the utility. I have removed it.


You just need to run the Windows program "exifstats.exe" in the unzipped folder. It should bring up the GUI window as shown in the screenshot. No need to muck around in the command line. Does that help you?

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Thanks for reply. I repeated the download and did a new unzipp, but no luck. It failed with the message "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is inncorrect. Reinstalling may fix the problem"

I've had a long career in computing from ..... to 1988, and I could cope with anything then, but with WINDOWS and mention of perl I'm rather lost. I will not try again.

It sounds an interesting project, but since my database of photos contain a very wide selection of file types from cameras and scanners then it probably would not be all that useful. I think I would have to extract all my photos with EXIF to make it useful.

Regards and thanks

Myrddin Jones

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