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Why do use a leica iii(x)?

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FWIW my opinion is based on my friend Larry's experiences with his 2

IIIF and IIIc.

I have to wait a month of summers as he re-loads.

Its about trimming leaders that break, film spools that wont grip and finally trying to feed the sucker, by pushing the film cassette in! If its cold,its alaways cold in Toronto, then gloves and frostbite slow the process further.Then its see if the rewind lever turns. Aha! Success he can return to shooting.

Even 4x5 load faster..

Then he squints thru the "viewfinder and the Rf" almost far apart as religons can be!

I am busy shooting on my M6 with ALL the modern conveniences.

Or digital..with Starbucks beamed in on lightlaser delivery.

Then a week later, i see the results!

They are stunning.Larry is a Master! He needs this camera to make these photos.

I am saving up for one..

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I have a IIIf BD and a IIIf RD S/T. They stow nicely with a couple of spare lenses and finders into a thin satchel. I mostly run B&W through the black dial, which is my favorite of the two. Both the black dial and red dial have contrast filters fitted to their rf windows.


To be frank, the old Barnacks and a couple of FED 2 range finders are what keeps me shooting 35mm film. Otherwise I'd be shooting medium format with a 6x9 or 6x6 folder. You probably have to be a bit of a retro gear head to appreciate the Barnacks. Not everyone can shoot with one.


Film loading isn't that tedious, so long as the leaders are properly trimmed. I load in about the same amount of time as medium format. The quiet film advance and rewind are the pay off. I can get 37 frames in B&W.


Let me say that I prefer framing with the SBOOI bright-line finder, but can manage with the normal finder. As mentioned, with a collapsible Elmar and no external finder, the old Barnacks are very pocketable, but a belt pouch is a better way to go.

Best Regards - Andrew in Austin, TX
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