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Canon announces 70-300 f/4-5.6 IS USM fix details

mark u

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Well, mine is allegedly "affected". Mine is sharp and is working great in all positions, and modes ,and focal lengths. Not going to mess with it. Hopefully, in the months and years to come; if it does start to show this affect; Canon will still step up. Wonder how long this "fix" offer will be offered. five years from now?
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Who knows, but often if you speak in person to Canon Service personnel they're willing to

bend a bit. I walked into Canon Hawaii last month with an EF 70-200 4L USM that was blurry

on the left side, 4 years out of warranty and they fixed if free. I didn't ask or even hint they

would fix it free. I figured I'd have to pay but the cute counter girl urged me to FAX my

receipt so it could be

covered. I questioned her about it, she called out the tech and he agreed they would probably

cover it as warranty work. I had a similar experience with an A2 command dial repair in the


Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Also, if just the copies with the lower serial numbers are affected, but the higher serial numbers are not. Well, what did Canon do different in the production process with the later models? Sounds kind of fishy. They probably knew about this before people started bitching.
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I have this lens, but am embarassed to say, I can't find the serial number for it on the lens. I checked the front of the lens and the barrel and I also removed the rear lens cap. (where I found the serial #'s for the 16-35 and the 24-105) I have not found it. What am I doing wrong? I seem to have run out of places to look.
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<<I have this lens, but am embarassed to say, I can't find the serial number for it on the lens>>


So it's safe to say you didn't see the image on the page Mark linked to showing where to find the serial number on your lens? :)

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Follow Mark's link. The SN location is explained.


Mine has a "0" in the 3rd digit, but seems fine. I'll probably send it in anyway since I guess whatever is wrong might get worse in the future. I'm sure Canon won't be releasing any details of exactly what the cause of the problem is.

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I called Canon and talked to a Level 1 Service Rep... (first line of defense at Canon), so, much of what I'm going to pass on be taken in that context. Hopefully, she is experienced enough that she was able to fill in many "blanks" from handling other similiar calls of "recalled" products.


Here's the gist of the conversation:


I told her that my Canon 70-300 IS USM has a 0 as the 3rd digit of the serial number, so it qualifies as one of the lenses that may have to be considered for repair. I also told her that from what I can tell with all of my testing, that my copy of the lens doesn't seem to show any of the signs of the problem. But, since it is of the batch of serial numbers that are being "recalled" I am in a quandary! Should I send my lens into Canon and have them "fiddle" with it when it doesn't seem to be broken or should I not send it in and hope that any problem that the lens might has will not ever show up in the future. And then, if it does show up a few years later, then what? I told the Rep that, generally, I'm a believer that if it's not broke, why fix it?


Again, she's Level 1, but she did say that Canon has only issued the statement that the lens does have a problem within the said serial numbers and that they will assume responsibilty to fix them. She said that they are now working to finalize a complete strategy to handle this problem. When I asked her if I decided to wait, and not send my lens in the be "fixed" and I'm beyond the one year warranty, will Canon still fix the lens? She said that this qustion will be answered as part of the complete strategy that is forthcoming.


So, I am now on the list to potentially send in my lens that currently works fine, from what I can tell. And I'll make the decision when I hopefully get good information from Canon and also kick it around on this forum.


I've done my best to reproduce the conversation that I had with the Level 1 Rep... I only wish I had recorded it.


She was very cordial and helpful and understanding.


I hope this information helps.



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I was sure surprised to find this problem discussed here on PN, it was the first time I've heard of there being a problem with this lens and of course I have the lens and the third number in my serial number is a 0. I just got off the phone talking to a rep at Canon and they, as of yet, don't have a solution. They will refund your money on this lens if you choose. I'm sending mine back.
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Come on Bob... could you call Canon and see if you can talk to some level of management in Canon... you might have the clout!. They really need to be forthright with their customer set... and I think they know it. Canon really needs to provide us the fairest number of options with accurate information on this problem. I really don't want my lens to turn to "crap" because of a Canon fault.


Bob, if you can't do anything more than head up a Photo.Net "front", then that's OK, too.



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YES, Canon will refund your money on this lens, you need the receipt from when you purchased it, and you can request a shipping label. Here's who I contacted......Mike 1 866 886-1901 ext. 2191, Mike told me that a lot of people are opting for the refund, I am as I think in the future I would always be worried about the lens being faulty.
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OK, There is something wrong!


Why would Susan get provided an answer of "We'll buy back your lens."... when I had no such offer when I called to a Canon Level 1 Representative two hours ago?


The odor is too strong.


Why is Canon willing to refund Susan's purchase?


Susan, I only have one question for you. Would you provide us what date you purchased the Canon 70-300mm f4-5.6 IS USM ?


I'm wondering if Canon has already documented a "time-frame of purchase for refund clause" but have not released it to the public!


Come on Canon, take a small hit and Build a Stronger Customer Set.



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What's the big deal. If the lens has a problem, Canon will fix it.


If nobody had mentioned the "problem" I'm guessing 95% of users would never have noticed it...."I was sure surprised to find this problem discussed here on PN, it was the first time I've heard of there being a problem with this lens and of course I have the lens and the third number in my serial number is a 0..."


Stop worrying about every potential slight flaw in a lens or camera or you'll go crazy.


I have a "0" lens, and when Canon finally get around to fixing them I'll send it in. In the meantime I'll just use it. I'm happy with the results I get from it and I can't say I've noticed a problem.


It's a geat lens. If you want to be without the lens and wait 6 months before buying another one, send it back and see if they will give you a refund. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Just get a name and some sort of authorization before you ship it off.


There's no panic here. 95% of the time the lens works great, maybe 5% of the time it's just good and most users can't tell the difference anyway...

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Does anyone that has a good copy [according to serial number] notice the very loose barrel problem? I have one of the affected units and I have always noticed how loose the barrel is. This thing will flop to the 300mm position fast if pointed down without the lock on. It's beyond zoom creep and I am wondering if that has anything to do with the other problem on the bad serial number units. I hope mine comes back with a stiffer barrel along with the other problem corrected.
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I purchased the lens in October 2005, I must of spoke to 6 different people/departments before I got some answers. I asked outright if it was possible to get a refund on the lens and was told yes, I've received my shipping label and was told a refund based on my receipt would be forth coming. And yes, Bob is right, the lens will probably be repaired and will service one well for years but for me personally I think I'd always be a little concerned about it's performance (not that I'm some big technical and proficient photographer), and I've decided to use the opportunity, based on the refund, to upgrade to an "L" lens.
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I purchased my lens from B&H on December 29, 2005. Serial number is 09001474 so it has the 3rd digit of "0" in the lens number. I have yet to have a problem with the lens, however I rarely shoot in the portrait mode, and as of yet, those pictures I have taken appear fine. Yes, the barrel does slide down, but only when I have not used the lockup button. I thought that was the purpose of the button. Geez. I have no intention of shipping this lens off to Canon at this point in time. I am sure that Canon will be working with their customers for at least 6 months to a year before there will be a moratorium on a return of the lens. As Bob Atkins indicated, he has the lens with the alledged bad number and he seems unconcerned at this point. Good enough for me.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Apparently it's a resolution issue:


Attached is an excerpt from the Canon USA website"


"To Customers Who Use the EF 70-300 f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens:


Thank you very much for your patronage of our products.


We recently informed you of a phenomenon in which some images captured by the EF 70-300 f/4-5.6 IS USM lens appear in insufficient resolution. This phenomenon may be seen at the edge of the frame at the 300mm setting when the camera is held vertically.


We are very sorry for the inconvenience that this phenomenon represents for customers who use this lens and appreciate your understanding and cooperation."

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