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Processing CF card images from a Canon 30D in Photshop

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I just got a new Canon 30D last week - I took pictures at a rugby

tournament over the weekend, and they came out fine. My question is

in processing the images afterward.


When I used my 10D, the images had an initial resolution of 180

pixels/inch before I made any adjustments on Photoshop. The images I

took with the 30D had an initial resolution of 72 pixels/inch - I

used the same CF card, since I had 1 GB and only used some of the

memory when I took the earlier pics on the 10D.


Why is this and how can I get the inital resolution back up to 180

Pixels/inch? I didn't make any changes to my CF card - merely put it

into the new camera and shot away. Just that I now have some images

at 180 pixels and the others at 72 all on the same card.


any advice would be helpful. I do love the 30D, but would just like

to keep image resolution consistent.


thanks - sheryl

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Sheryl - this is a very common question. Short answer - ignore the ppi/dpi setting in your camera as it's utterly meaningless. Your camera doesn't have a ppi/dpi resolution as such, it's only interested in the pixel size of your images. Do not "resize" your images just to change the ppi/dpi value.


Read this excellent article by Bob Atkins and it will explain it all: <A HREF="http://www.photo.net/learn/resize/"> "Display, Printing, DPI and PPI" </A>

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As Vladimir says, as long as you are shooting in RAW mode or in the highest-resolution JPEG

mode, you will achieve the maximum pixel resolution of the camera (which is an image size

of about 3500 X 2500 pixels; I can't recall the exact numbers). PPI has no real relevance;

what counts is the pixel dimensions of the entire image.

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Ok, This may explain things better.


I took 2 of the same image this eveing as a test - one with the 10 D and one with my new 30D.


When I uploaded the pics in photoshop, i got the following;


1) with the 30D: picture was at 23.4MB, 72 ppi, size was 48x32, w/h pixels were 3504x2336


2) withthe 10D: same picture, this time it was at 18 MB, 180 ppi, size was 17x11, pixels were 3072x2048


the pic on the 30D also came up smaller in size than on the 10D in Photoshop.


I guess what I'm trying to figure out is how to get the same ppi resolution on my card that I get with the 10D on the new 30D. The overall larger size when it appears on photshop is easier to see and work with as well, which is also a plus, which I'd also like to see happen with the 30D. Plus I use 180 ppi for my website pics (always in JPG format), which I like better than 72 ppi - the clarity is better.


Is that even an option - if not, how does one go about getting that?


thanks - sheryl

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You have a very basic understanding. Bottom line, the ONLY thing that matters is the original capture -- its dimensions and you just detailed them perfectly above. DPI is meaningless. Get over the DPI obsession.


In all cases the 8MB 30D will print slightly more beautiful 13x19 inch prints than the 10D. What else could you be looking for?

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thanks for your advice, that makes sense - it does throw one off, though, when working in photoshop the differences in the ppi numbers - conistency would be nice. It's great to know that enlargements will be better on the 30D. I plan to take it to Belgrade for 10 days (I leave in the evening), so it'll be fun to get some great shots that I can have blown up!

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