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Top Rated Photos


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Out of curiosity...why do my photos never seem to appear in the top rated

photo gallery? I'm not concerned out of ego, but i'm interested in getting

more views and more comments, and having photos floating in top rated helps

get this done since pictures tend to drop off the main page so fast these

days. I see pictures that were posted at the same time, or even after me with

sometimes less ratings and lower ratings and make it to top rated photo's, but

mine don't (they use too, but not anymore).


Can anybody shed some light on this?

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Ok thanks all...that is good to know.


Walker...i read through your thread about why TRP are the holy grail of PN.


For me...I could care less about ratings. I've learned that ratings don't mean much, especailly with the anonymous rating system...where I see some work that I consider brilliant getting 3's and 4's and see other work of which would and should be considered snapshots and throw-aways getting 6's. For me, TRP gives more exposure, which often translates to more critiques. That is what I'm really after. I'd put pictures of for critique only, but most of the time they drop off the page with 2 comments if i'm lucky.

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JC in short you need to post your photo for critique when you upload it , and get 5 ratings anonymous to to into the trp , or 5 ratings direct to get into the average ratings . I fully understand and can relate to your comments reguarding ratings , I hope postitive changes are coming !


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J.C. Many of your photos are very good indeed. <a href=http://www.photo.net/photo/4922143>This one</a> isn't one of your best but it is pretty good. You could try deleting it, resubmitting it and instantly ask for a critique. <br><br>You will also find, what goes around comes around. Try to comment on the work of others. (I know you do this already.) This won't help you get into the TRP as it is only anonymous ratings that count, but I would imagine you are interested in constructive feedback too.<br><br>Personally I don't think it is a good idea to upload 3 or 4 pictures at the same time and ask for critique. I have a tendency to shy away from photographers who do this. There is a wealth of talent on this site and I want to see as much of it as possible. I am sure there are many people who think like me.
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David...i agree with what you say, and I have been making a point to comment and critique on more photo's recently. I'm afraid that I send the wrong message with this thread...that it looks like i'm seeking the holy grail as E Walker mentions. I want to make a point that its not about getting high ratings to get an elusive spot on TRP, its about recieving critiques and pointers as I'm still deep into a learning stage at this point. Getting ideas and pointers from other photographers is quite important.


I also agree with posting multiple pictures for ratings up at the same time...as it pushes other photos off the main pages quickly...even though I may have been guilty of posting a couple at the same time in the past.


I will say that the new (semi) layout leaving many many more photo's on the page before dropping off is a very welcomed addition in my eyes.

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Ben wrote:<br>

"There was talk of the 'time to live' being taken from the time of critique submission, but I don't think it ever got changed."


So why it never got changed? I think this is confusing for many people. <br>

By the way I would have much less effort if I could upload photos at one time and ask for critiques later (and have them shown in the trp).

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