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EF 50mm f/1.8 Mark I vs. Mark II?

vlad khavin

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I took a trip to a local store and played around with the 50mm f/1.8 Mark II.

Results were nice enough, but the build was quite... underwhelming. So I'm

curious about the Mark I version of that lens. I know it comes in a metal

casing with a real focus ring, a metal mount, and other stuff that I would

expect on a lens, but... Does anyone know what else changed from Mark I to Mark II?


I've seen plenty of comparisons and discussions of the f/1.8 vs. f/1.4, but I'm

wondering about the old version of the 1.8 against the new one.



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The MK I goes for a pretty penny if you want one. I recently sold a minty one for $150. 5

years ago I could only get $100, so the price is going up! Save the buzzy AF motor it is a darn

tootin' little optic. They're easy to find in pawn shops and yard sales, usually attacted to an

EOS 600 or 700 series body and going for almost nothing.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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The MK I also has a distance scale. I'm not sure about the metal casing. Just looks like tougher plastic to me. But it does have a stainless steel mount and a real focus ring.


I think I pefer the MK II. It's lighter and the focus motor is quieter. It's also less money, and since I don't use the MK II a lot, why should I have a fortune tied up in it? But then maybe it's a good long term investment.


But just for you, Vlad, I'll sell you my not quite "minty" MK II for the same $150 that Puppy got. Forget that I paid half that for it and the EOS 650 that it came attached to. :)

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I have owned both of these lenses and sold my MarkII to purchase a used MarkI. Optically these seem very close to each other, but I really like the build of the MarkI. It is a super sharp, well built, great lense. I thought the Mark II was cheaply constructed.



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Hi, Vlad. I can't compare the Mark I with the Mark II (i've never used the Mark II), but i did manage to get my grubby little paws on a 50mm f/1.8 Mark I earlier this week. I'm looking forward to testing it out this weekend and then hopefully i'll have some example photos to upload for you next week. I found the lens at a second-hand camera shop. It seems to be in good enough condition and i got it at (what i consider to be) a very good price.



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the mk1 does not have a metal casing, its gray plastic.

Optically they are identical both good. You will never wear out the plastic mount on the mkII dont worry. I felt the MKII focused faster. The focus ring on the MK1 is kinda vague and I prefer the MKII ring on the end for manual focus has a lighter feel to it..

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Vlad, if you are interested in buying an EF 50mm/1.8 Mk I, I have one for sale on photo.net already. See my ad at the link below. If you are interested, let me know soon before I put it up for sale on the auction site. Larry




PS--Ignore the part about the hood and cap. The hood sold and I will include a plain front and rear cap with the lens.

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