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Business Name Ideas?

jean melissa

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Hi everyone!


I understand most people use "John Doe Photography" as their business names.

But what if you are a woman who plans to eventually marry and assume her

husband's last name? Not so easy. Any suggestions on tools/websites that could

assist me with coming up with a unique, catchy business name? I have even

thought of using just my first and middle name (Jean Melissa, Photographer) -

but I don't think it has a "ring" to it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



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Wow, Jeannie,


There's so much to consider.


Trademark? Copyright? What will people remember versus how long you plan to sell under that name versus what you want them to remember?


FIRST in the yellow pages:




Works for plumbers!






- [Mountain Light Photography]


... worked for Galen Rowel!


You raise quite a good question.


Myself, I got "Peter Blaise" from mother and "Monahon" from my father, and I gave myself other names ... but which is MY identity versus which is MY PRODUCT'S identity?


Let us know what you do and how you resolve it to your satisfaction.




Love and hugs,


Peter Blaise peterblaise@yahoo.com Minolta Rokkot Alpha DiMage Photographer http://www.peterblaisephotography.com/ and http://www.peterblaise.com/ and not a dot-com, but http://www.geocities.com/americanpersonalcomputing/ ... what I have to sell at the moment!

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Do you plan on expanding your business to offer services delivered by anyone else but you? If so, go for a non-personal name, finding something that is easy to remember, places you well competitively (look around and make a list of who else sells photography in your area, and see where your new name would fit into that list!), and some new invented name that identifies something distinctive about your services compared to the competition, if possible. Beware of ambiguous market perceptions, such as "Family In Focus" -- is that family planning threapy or what?


However, if you expect people to buy your services because of YOU exclusively, then a desctiptive name that identifies YOU makes sense. "Jeannie Sharp Photo" or something may stick, and people will think it's your name, "Jennie Sharp" and of course you'd become a photographer (just as Justin Teeth became a dentist!). Does it really matter if it's a stage name? YES! You will have to get a business liscense and a checking account DBA Doing Business As "Jennie Sharp Photo" so you can cash checks made out to something other than your own name, and you will have to identify and register the taxable entity as a sole proprietorship or some sort of corporation (each has their advantages -- lots of research work, eh?). Otherwise, keep just your real name and cash checks wherever you want. In 1985 I was "APC" because I thought I'd build a big company, but now I'm "Peter Blaise Monahon", solo. Simple.


Keep us informed on your progress through this decision -- quite complex with many tentacles in taxes and banking and state and local liscensing you'd probably not thought of, eh? Good luck!




Love ahd hugs,


Peter Blaise peterblaise@yahoo.com Minolta Rokkor Alpha DiMage Photographer (not much cash vakue in that except on the used resale market!) http://www.peterblaisephotogrpahy.com/

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I would suggest something that expresses your photography and life interests instead of your

name. I'm not against the 'your name' photography, it makes recognition a lot easier, but I

chose to call mine after a hiking trail I like, Westside Road Photography, or wsrphoto (.com)

for the actual name. It does generate questions, folks asking, "Who's WSR?" but I put an

explanation on my Website. After all it worked for Galen Rowell, among others. Just my $.02.

Good luck.

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