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Help Canon 70-200 IS damaged


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I need some help or suggestions. I recently dropped my 70-200 L IS into a pool

with my 20d attached. The lens does not seem to work. The 20d works fine after I

dried it out, however the lens does not work for some reason. All the rings turn

as they should. I can use it in manual, just cant use the AF or IS.


Has anyone else had this happen before? Do you know if it can be fixed and

approximately how much will it cost? I have not tried to contact Canon just yet,

I wanted to see if anyone had any experience with this. Any information would be

greatly appreciated. Thank you

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You may have water damage, as others suggest, You may also have some bent bayonet lugs

on the lens, which can allow enough wobble to decouple the electrical connections between

camera and lens. This happened to me once. It can be 'conclusive' or intermittent,

depending on how you hold the camera.


I agree: send it in for service immediately, with the camera.

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Send both your lens and 20D to Canon NOW! Don't wait.


If they can fix your lens, it will be expensive. Ask for an estimate before they fix it.


Your 20D can develop corrosion problems down the road, even if it is working now.


Sorry about the awful experience.



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