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Choosing Adobe RGB in Rawshoter Essentials

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I hope someone can help, I am using Photoshop 7 and Rawshooter Essentials to

convert, edit and save my images. I need to choose adobeRgb as my working

space to save (in Rawshooter), but it does not give me that option. It only

gives me the sRGB option among others.I have found out that once Adobe RGB is

showing up in the Windows Color Management Utility, RawShooter will pick it up

automatically. I have tried to add AdobeRGB as colour profile in Windows, but

windows says it is not a valid color profile.(There are some image libraries I

am submitting to, that require Adobe Rgb(1998). I know that I can convert from

sRGB to adobeRGB in Photoshop,Is this the best way to do it? How is this done?

Is sRGB the best colour space to save my images in for other uses like home

printing and web poting etc? I would also appreciate it if you can refer me to

a good monitor calibrating tutorial (without requiring you to purchase

hardware/software)Will apreciate any responces.Thank you

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