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Second Strobe or Better Lens


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I've now come to the stage whereby I have the money to upgrade a little and I

know this is an odd question and I know i'm going to get the "it depends on

the type of photography you want to do" answer


but just as an opinion if given the choice of a new lens such as a 17-40L or a

second 580EX and save the extra money for something later what would you

choose? forget about values etc... just basically Lens or Strobe?

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well no there are times when the second flash would come in handy when i'm doing portraits or shooting bands... but then there are times when a longer focal length would come in handy...


just interested to see what people would rather spend the money on that's all

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<p>Multiple flash units would most often be used for photography in a controlled studio environment - portraiture, product photography, still life - or for macro. I don't do those types of work, so while I certainly wouldn't object if a second flash were to appear at my door, I wouldn't buy it myself.</p>


<p>An upgrade from my 420EX to a 580EX would be nice, but an upgrade for one of my lenses, or a new lens, would be even more useful to me. So I'd go for the lens.</p>

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Strobes are great (espically the 580EX- MUCH better than I imaged!)



But remeber, a camera, no matter how good, is merely a light tight box to hold film (or D sensor) and it is the LENS that makes to photograph. Everything else is secondary.


This is from a gearhead!


Better glass means better chance of making better photos.


Bodies are old hat in 5 years (esp with digital) other accessories like flash units can become obsolete, but a great lens will last a long long time (assuming they don't change the mount, I still love my 24mm F2.8 FD, but it doesn't work on my EOS bodies)


I have the 17-40mm F4L and it, my 200mm F2.8L and the 70-200 F$l are super! I have not regreted buying them.



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Over time. . .I have gotten BOTH.


I must admit. . the second flash is underutilized. You really can't use dual flash for "quick snapshots". Too hard to control shadows from the second flash.


But. . when it works. . .multi flash is really sweet. If you have TIME to setup the shots. . .


But. . what of your current lenses? If you have nothing like the 17-40/4L (or only the kit lens in that range). . .then the lens is probably better.

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This is my problem, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one.


i think i'll borrow a friend's 550 try that out at some of the shoots and then try and hire a fast quality lens and see which one i use more...


if only i could win the lottery everyday i wouldn't have to think about these things :)

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