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How to watermark 100s at once?

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I picked up an inexpensive stand-alone product, iWatermark, that lets me have multiple watermarks so all I have to do is start the program, pick the watermark, point it to an input directory, give it an output directory, and it applies the watermark to every image and preserves the original, too.
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CS can do it. Look at HELP AUTOMATE or HELP ACTIONS. Or maybe someone will send you the action. It's very simple.


If you only want to put type (not another picture) on each picture, then there is a Quick and Dirty way - Take FILE - AUTOMATE - WEB GALLERY and choose any template. Under options for resize, take NO RESIZE. Then under options take SECURITY and type in what you want to have put on each picture (and where you want it, what color, size).


Then hit the doit button. You will end up with a folder named Images. Throw away everything but the Images folder. That's it.

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