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Advertisement Critique (2 alternates)


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Hello again all. Thanks or the previous feedback on my last submission for an ad critique here on the

forum. I wanted to attach 2 other possible candidates for the ad. I would be interested in people's votes

as to which one works the best.


Once again, this will be a quarter page B&W ad running in a New Jersey Bridal Magazine. I am a mid

priced (for the area) mostly PJ style photographer.


Let's hear the votes! :)


Thanks so much.



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Todd, as the graphics editor for a very large website I look at advertising images masquerading as fine-art all day long. That makes me no expert on fashion photography by any means, but it has allowed me to see marketing images with a marketing eye.


I easily pick the second of your three shots as I feel that (no. 1) it is in general the better piece of photographic composition, and (no. 2) it contains a far better life-style as commodity sales appeal; the first and third being too limited in their subject matter.


Just my opinion an nothing more.

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I'm torn between choice #1 and #3. Both have a lot of emotion and spirit to them. While #2 is a good shot, I'm really not getting that same "breath-taking" feeling out of it. I know others have questioned the placement of the bride's arms in the first shot, IMO, I really like it. A classic shot. (Your work is superb, by the way).



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What is your target market? I think all 3 images are great, but it depends on who you want to

attract. Images #1 and 3 are more classic, but #2 is very modern and eye catching - It is

personally my favorite, and the one I would choose for my own marketing. If you are going

for modern/artistic couples, then I say #2 all the way. If you are going for a more overall

appeal, then 1 or 3 may be better.

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Hi Todd -


Definitely #2.


<p>For the simple reason that I smiled when I saw it. The others left me cold; they're not

much different from everyone else's advertisements, and, arguably, are a little cliched. Ad #2

would make me think you've got a creative eye and a different take on things; #1 and #3

would make me think you'll just do what everyone else does ...</p>

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Ok, so it seams that number two is running away with it, but now I want to know people's

thoughts on the fact that the ad doesn't feature a bride (who will most likely be the one

thumbing through the bridal magazine). Here is a picture of a girl looking out over NYC.

Does the future bride think to herself "So what"? I guess I just want to make sure that

everyone is thinking of how the bride might react to the photo, not which photo, as

photogrpahers, we respond to.


I guess my concern is that future brides want to see pretty pictures of other brides so they

can imagine themselves being photographed the same way. I'm concerned if they see this,

they will just keep going to the next page. Anyone have some thoughts on this?


Another thought here is that I am running two ads in two separate magazines, so my next

questions is:


Should I run the same ad in both to stay consistent and hopefully have them see it twice.

Perhaps reinforcing thier decision? Or do I run 2 separate looking ads, say #2 and #3 or



hmmm I bet I am starting the drive myself nuts and am overthinking too much? It's just

that ad space isn't cheap and I want to get it right.



Thanks again...



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I would go for Image 1.


I think a lot of wedding magazine advertising is aspirational in nature. (ie. the brides on their day want to BE those beautiful thin models in the bridal mags). And I think image 1 best conveys this message. (Beautiful bride, captured candidly and creatively)


But the other two are great as well..so can't really go wrong.

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Moderator note:


Todd - Please - next time you upload images... Post one and put the rest in a folder and provide us with a link. Thank you.


Guidelines to the forum are to the right of the thread listing. If you can post the ads - (smaller please though) - 3 up at 511 pixels wide as one image - that's cool.

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1 is very classy and more what you'd expect from an ad. I like it, it's safe! #2 is adorable and

more artsy and does give the impression that you have a creative eye. (I think #1 would

attract higher end brides while #2 would bring in your creative ones who want something

artsy more than safe.

if this sounds hokey....I"m sorry. I"m just trying to put into words what I'm thinking as a girl

and a photographer.


You can't go wrong with any of them. They are outstanding! But I think I'm partial to #1

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I am a soon to be bride, likely in the demographic you are marketing to. I can tell you that image #1 is the only one that would sell me your services or make me contact you. She is beautiful, happy and excited. The image gets me excited about and imaging my own wedding day. It also gives me the confidence that you will be able to capture such emotion and memories during my wedding. I could tell that right away that the girl in image #2 was not a bride. It is a lovely photograph, but it isn't right (in my opinion) for your ad. It lacks the excitement, I think.
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Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment/vote. :)


It seems that ad#1 has made a bit of a come back.


Casey, thank you for your input. It's not hokey at all. In fact that's more the type of

response I was hoping for, from a more personal level rather than as a photographer. I

think people voting for #2 are responding more to the photograph AS photographers, and

perhaps not thinking so much how a would be bride would read this image. I think I have

to follow my gut on this one, and it pretty much has always been #1; however, I'm not

happy with the way the type and logo are positioned, but can't seem to find something



If I already had plenty of clients, I think I would go with #2, but my main goal is to book

brides and that's it. Hopefully later on I can put out the "artsy" vibe and be a little more

selective, but I don't have that luxury just yet.


Melissa, thank you so much. I wish there were more soon to be brides cruising this forum

who could give me that perspective. I think you hit the nail right on the head with your

comments. If you're still checking out this thread, could you briefly tell me why you chose

the photographer you did over another one? Just bullet points, more creative, better price,

referral etc.? Thanks.




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I hesitated to comment on this since I am very far from wedding photography arena, but, since I read this I might as well go ahead. I think you are on the right track with your latest comment here. Although personally I too would prefer #2 for it's creativity and off-beat nature, #1 and #3 would probably be what the <em>majority</em> of your demographics would go for. If you are after a specific clientele probably you could go for #2 but from your remark it looks like you are trying to establish a broader base now. #1 would probably be the brides' favorite. Since you can have two ads, #3 would be a good alternative, since it involves the actual event and the groom is 'in the picture' too.
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