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Capture 4.42 update available


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Shun good question - I do not own a D2X so I had to go back to the site and check again.


Now I am confused. The (German) press release says that the version was "expanded" to images from D2X and D2Hs.


A little later it says that image rendering of shadow areas in images taken with D2X and D200 were "improved". This implies that D2x was supported in an earlier version already. So perhaps its D2xs now in addition to D2X ? Beats me. I guess Nikon keeps beeing confused when it comes to software ^^. Perhaps a typo (D2Xs and D2Hs?)perhaps too much sake?

Take home message : just try it ^^.

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Juan this can be a hot topic :-P


My personal feeling is that you will find a number of people with statements that either one is producing "better" images leading to no clear conclusions. I would be excited to find a real thorough comparative test. Right now I think the software you know best will give the better result. I dislike the user interface of the Nikon software (so far ANY Nikon software I have seen) so I use Adobe RAW import in PSCS2 because it blends best into my workflow. But as I said if you are used to capture or bibble you most likely get the same end result.

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I've done a lot of testing and I have a pretty strong preference for Capture NX over Adobe Photoshop CS2. I see better color saturation in Capture, better moire control, and much much better reds particularly. You really can't believe how much better Capture can display the color red than CS2. It's night and day. Not to mention that the D-Lite control in Capture NX is pretty nice and has saved some photos for me.



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