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wnw: Wild-life


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It was the most amazing thing. We crossed over the little river in Okubo that runs to the sea.

It stank of chemicals. I mean it was worse than usual. As we were crossing we noticed that

the river was full of turtles and carps. A man stopped by and said that there are two species

of turtles here. Those that are native to Japan and those native to the Mississippi River.

(Wow!) He said that the turtles do not bother the carps and so the they and the turtles co-


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You need to put your lens closer to the glass to aviod the glass reflections.


Think of the glass like a filter,the closer to the lens,the better

Another thought, think about all those who put a piece of �25 glass in front of a �1,500 lens...to protect it, and make it better.You know,the ones who talk abour how superior their glass is.


So funny.

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