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Portable storage- Smartdisk Photobank OK?


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(I posted this yesterday but it seems like it didn't go through)


I do a lot of travel photography and need to download memory cards in remote

locations. So I went to get one of these portable card reader/hard drive things

that runs on batteries. I went to B&H in new york to try to get the "wolverine"

brand but that company seems to have discontinued all the simple models and

replaced them with versions that have color screens to view pictures...which

isn't worth the money to me.


So, the only other models the store had was a Jobo (brand) and a Smartdisk

photobank. I bought the 40 gig smartdisk for $179 and I'm wondering if anybody

has any experience, good or bad with this. I only have a limited time to return

it and I won't be able to use it beforehand. Obviously it's extremely important

that this product is reliable as I will be trusting it with EVERYTHING I shoot!



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John, I've heard good things about the <a href="http://hyperdrive.com/shop/index.php">Hyperdrive</a>. Personally, I went with the Epson P2000 because the LCD is worth the money to me. I'm not big on the plug-and-pray feature of the non-LCD devices. I don't remember where but I've seen some not so flattering words written about the Wolverines. I've never used either the Hyperdrive or the Wolverine so I can't speak from experience in either case. So far so good with the Epson.
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I have the Hyperdrive HD80 100GB version and that's all I bring with me while traveling. At night, I review the shots I've taken during the day and dischard ones I don't like or didn't turn out good then download all files onto the HD80 and it takes about 5 minutes to download a 4gb card. That after years of traveling heavy with extra baggage and the kitchen sink, I'm finally learning to travel light.
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The HyperDrive has the fastest file transfer that I know of and for me has been very reliable.


It does a file verification by comparing the files just transferred to the files on the card for possible errors. I have never experienced a transfer error using that unit.

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I was in the same situation a few weeks ago. My choices were similar; Jobo Evolution Pro (expensive), Epson P-2000 or the Hypdrive HD units.


My needs included a very visible viewer, decent portability, strength and reliability, ability to use US and Int'l currents and the option to later change the HD if I desired. Speed of download was NOT important to me nor was the ability to tweak photos using different programs held within the unit. I would use this in conjunction with 3 X 1GB CF cards and I would download the cards each night while I was out for dinner, etc. (On a cruise ship) All I wanted was a reliable downloader with a good viewer, good reputation for longevity and a good manufacturer's reputation and service organization. My choice? The EPSON P-2000.


If you haven't seen the unit, find one at a retailer and hold it. It feels sturdy, has the awsome viewing screen and looks good. Like I said, download speed was not a critical factor. It's no slouch in that regards but not a rabbit either.


Anyway... Hope that helps.. my $.02.



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I bought two Media databanks from eBay for $120 (US) each from seller mediasonicinc. You can find them with a search on "HM1 40GB Digital Photobank". They're basically a multi-card reader with a micro drive stuck inside (Toshiba in mine); same as the wolverines you were looking for. In order to save the images on a CF card, I copy its images to both of the databanks, and then erase them from the card in the camera. When travelling, I put the two databanks in different places; usually one in my checked luggage and the other in my backpack. I used them on a trip to NYC earlier this month, and they were fine.
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another vote for the one off fleabay by mediasonic. I bought mine raw so I could stick the drive I wanted in. Never had an issue. They're USB2 which is more than I can say for my aging notebook, but thats another story
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Thanks for the help. I guess I wasn't clear in my post, but I've already purchased the "Smartdisk 40gb Photobank" and since I won't be able to test it before the return period is over (I do all my photography out of the country) I was wondering if anybody has heard experiences with this particular model. Is this the same, or similar to the "hyperdrive" everyone is referring to?


Thanks again.

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NEVER just take one tank....bad, bad news could happen. It's about redundancy. I'm in Italy now, and every evening upon returning back from making 400-600 pictures, I download my cards to TWO tanks. Hard drives are mechanical as you know and too often they crash, or we drop them, or they get wet, or one gets stolen, you name it.


If your images mean as much to you as mine do to me, you better get two tanks.


I have the HyperDrive HD80...two of them. They both have a capacity of 60gb, and they upload very fast...I think the very fastest of any model, and they of course run on batteries.


I keep them separately in two different pieces of luggage...and while out and about I keep one of them with me....color me paranoid, but I have fears of the hotel help taking one or both.


These devices are cheap enough so that getting two is not going to break the bank....each of my HyperDrives costs around $240 each.


Don? chance it!

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I have two of the HyperDrives...I love them, as they're very fast. However the only BAD thing about them is the battery life....it is much shorter then they claim....take the AC adapter and proper voltage converted for the country you?e visiting....take extra batteries...again, the battery life is not much good after transferring 20gb....I have two and they both eat up power big time. But for me this is not a problem, as AA batteries are everywhere and generally cheap, and if you bring the AC adapter then this issue is moot, as you need only plug it in in your hotel room.
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  • 6 months later...

John, I know that this was posted a while back but, did you keep the SmartDisk photobank? I just bought one for $80 (40gigs) and I am in the same situation you were a few months ago. I only have 14 days to return it but I can not use it. I am having a hardtime finding reviews for this particular item.

I was actually looking for a 4 gig CF card when I ran into this photobank. It seems like a great deal, but is it too good to be true?

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  • 4 months later...

Man, I feel for you, everyone is barking about some 'hyperdrive' whereas the equipment you want help with is the smartdisk photobank.


Icame across this forum after googling for 'photobank' reviews..surley someone somewhere has had an experience with this item?!

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  • 1 month later...

Keeping this thread going since I found it on Google also...


I've had the SmartDisk 40GB for a few months now. I don't use it often (no trips yet that have exhausted my CF cards... or short enough that I don't bring my laptop) but the 4 or 5 times I've used it I've found that I can only get about 10GB transfered before the battery indicates low to the point I don't want to trust it with more. A friend loaned me a USB battery pack designed for an iPod to extend the life which worked quite well... but I'd prefer a better battery life in the drive itself.

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