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What is the Swiss Army Knife of digital cameras?

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Is there a digital camera in the $500-800 range that can do almost

everything most people do with cameras? I know that everyone is going

to ask what kind of pictures do you like to take and those kind of

questions. I am just curious if there is a camera out there that has

it all, or almost all. What camera in that price range would you want

if it was the only camera in the world?

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That's practically an unanswerable question. Even amongst Swiss Army Knives, there are many different versions and models to choose from. And even amongst compact multi-tools, there are many different brands to choose from, with their own variations, options, and models to choose from.
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Another vote for the sony (f707/717/828).


Excellent quality. Laser-assist (not a blinding artificial sun LED) autofocus, nightshot, IR,

and macro modes. All in a nice package. Was my street photography cam for 3 years. I

miss it's ergonomics and utility.

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Yes, the Canon Digital Rebel, and the Digital Rebel XT will soon be in that price range, as well as the upcoming Nikon D50.


You get a DSLR with the flexibility to change lenses such as real macro lenses or real wide-angles, a real viewfinder, and the large sensor is usable at ISO 800-1600 where the tiny sensor on the so-called prosumer cams is hopelessly noisy above ISO 100. Shutter lag time and burst speeds are also significantly better. The Rebel XT is tiny, not much bigger than the current crop of 8MP point-and-shoots.

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A Swiss Army Knife with just a single blade? = $10


Or one with 66 different tools and a butane lighter? = $100


In the $500-800 range you'll get a camera with 2 blades, can opener, cork screw, tweezer and toothpick.


If you like 66 tools and a butane lighter try the Nikon D2X.

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Almost every camera maker has a few models that could qualify for this. But, just as with Swiss Army Knives, some of these capabilities are more novelty than utilitarian. I consider the knife part of the Swiss Army Knife the least useful because the blade doesn't lock back, making it rather dangerous to use unless great care is exercised. But the corkscrew, little scissors and various screwdriver tips are cool.


My Olympus C-3040Z can do a lot of things, tho' not all of them well. Photo quality is fairly good, tho' the sensor is too noisy above ISO 100. It makes amusing little mpegs with sound. Kids enjoy the immediate feedback at birthday parties. It's very well made tho' a bit bulkier than I'd like. Just like some Swiss Army Knives.


If I could have it all in one package it would be the size of the Canon Digital Elph or Casio Exilim. It would take good 6 mp or better photos with truly low noise up to ISO 1600. It would take good quality 480x640 mpegs with sound. It would double as a voice recorder. It would have night vision.


It would shoot laser beams into the eyes of mine enemies and smite them.


It would remind me of appointments. It would have a reliable, completely voice operated cell phone. GPS. The chimping screen should be able to display driving maps since I have no sense of direction. It would check my e-mail but not have a web browser - I need a break from the web, not more access to it. It would alert me to the presence of dropped money on the ground - change and bills. It would be a voice activated universal remote control for everything.


It would let me turn off police radar as I approached. It would tap into any surveillance system within 100 yards of me and display it on the chimping screen so I can know who's watching.


It would emit a painful, ear piercing wail into the ears of telemarketers.


It would have universal wireless connectivity so that I could change people's screen savers and what's on the giant display screens in Times Square. It would translate Vietnamese and Thai menus. It would feed my pets when I'm gone.


I don't want much.

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A year ago I wouldn't have believed it, but I vote for the Sony 828. Truly an amazing picture making machine. Good AF, nice zoom range, lots of resolution, laser-assist AF, built-in infrared, "night-framing" for dark rooms, and a truly useful video mode. It's a nice all-in-one package.
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<i>Sony f-828. It's basically can do everything. Drawbacks, a lot of noise of iso beyond 100. Not much depth of field, so isolation of subject is not very good.</i>


Isn't it a bit odd to say that a camera can do basically "everything" but has noise beyond ISO 100 (!) and has poor subject isolation? For a lot of people like myself who regularly shoot existing light at ISO's of 400, 800 and even 1600, and feel that subject isolation can either make or break a picture, this is definitely not a camera that "basically can do everything", and it clearly shows that you're going to be making a lot of compromises when going for a "Swiss Army Knife" of digital cameras. It just comes down to the one point you mentioned in your original post that you tried to avoid: what kind of pictures do you like to take?

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Let's see. For around 500 to 800 dollars price range. Including lens. The camera includes, sharp 28-200mm lens f.2-2.8, that can do macro also. Night vision capability. Laser focusing for dim light. Video capability(only limited by your CF or memory sticks space). It is "Swiss Army Knife", it doesn't mean specific tool. You can buy a top end pliers or screwdrivers. But, a swiss army knife is just a handy tool to have around. It won't replace the tool. But, can be handy when needed. Hence, the term "Swiss Army knife."
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The Sony doesn't have lots of noise beyond 100. Up to 400, if you use something like Neat Image, it's very usable. At 200, it's good. Below 200 there's no issue.


Hell, every camera has drawbacks. When you find the perfect camera, look me up. I'll buy us each a copy.

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I have a ricoh digicam, the caplio GX. It's my swiss army camera. It has a high sensitivity night mode(LCD illuminates the darkness), and a B&W (not grayscale) OCR text copying mode. A straight audio recorder mode, that can record live music or voice, and the movie mode, and even has a number of useful still camera modes, including manual! Has a hot shoe. Does macro focus down to 1cm, has 28mm-85mm equivalent wide angle. Superfast AF and low shutter lag. It'll do whatever I need it to do. And like a Swiss Army Knife, it fits in my pocket. Not the greatest at anything, but always available, and quite capable.


Geez, if I didn't have a better camera, I'd use this all the time! ;>)

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