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Marque photos

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In PN people who visit my portfolio can see only my three photos.I

think the solution of this problem is to do a slight or marque of my

portfolio in my entrance page.For example see M.Zafar Rabbani`s

entrance page.If you can help me i will be so happy.REGARDS Mumtaz


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Mumtaz, Have you noticed it takes longer for the pages with the "slide show" to load? I have a few photographer's pages that I visit regularly and I put up with the wait. When I'm browsing other photographer's pages, whose work is unknown to me, I'll more than likely not wait for the page to load. I'm on high speed Internet, imagine how slow it is for people on dial up.


In short, your goal is to increase the visibility of you photos. If you put up the marquee "slide show" it's likely to give you the opposite result.

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