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Huge large prints from Nikon D70

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Hope the experts can help. I have asked this question before but the

suggestions did not seem to work.


I recently switched over to digital with a nikon D70. Have been

pretty happy with it.


Except that I love do large prints in the size of 70x100cm (inches 28

x 40) or even larger than that.


I shoot in jpg, large, fine mode. I work in Photoshop 7 and that's

all I have. No money to invest in Nikon software to shoot in NEF.


My questions :

1) Is 70x100cm enlargements possible with my present shootng mode

without pixelation?

2) Or do I have to shoot in NEF and invest in a special software

program and shoot in NEF to achieve those large print sizes?


I have been told before that PS7 can open Nikon NEF files. But when

I try it, they don't open.


3) I have been advised before to get a free NEF conversion download

in adobe.com. Have visited it but there does not seem to be

something for PS7 for NEF conversion. Or am I looking at the wrong



4) Is 70x100cm at all possible in NEF?




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A 28x40 inch print of a full resolution 6Mpixel digital frame will be about a 75ppi image.

Fine for viewing at the normal 8-15 foot distances such prints require, but for smoother

print results you'll want to upsample it by a factor of 2 or so.


.NEF format images are specific to the particular body. The D70 is a recent addition to the

Nikon line, you need to use a later version of the Camera Raw plug-in that is not

supported in Photoshop 7. The version of Camera Raw now included with Photoshop CS2

will support the D70 body.


JPEGs will render as well as RAW format captures if and only if the lighting and image

processing parameters in the camera lend themself to proper expression of the tonal

range of your subject. RAW format gives you more options for processing difficult lighting

circumstances, and more overhead in editing. The upgrade to Photoshop CS2 would be

well worth it.



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You own a new D70.


Now go online to the Nikon website and customer service and register it (and yourself).


Then download Nikon View (the latest 6.2.5 version or whatever it is called) and follow their instructions, it works.


When completed you will be able to open your RAW (NEF) files in full 12 bit in PS7 using PS7 file browser. The NEF convertor plugin works fine. I use it every day.

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This is the most important part of the instructions....


"and right click it with your mouse. Right clicking will bring up a contextual menu allowing you to "Save target as." and choose the final download location on your computer. It is strongly recommended that a new "Internet Downloads" folder be created and used as the download location."

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I also prefer to obtain large prints.

I shot some images in NEF (RAW) the sized them with Nikon Capture

then reformatted to TIFF then copied to CD then mailed CD to my favorite processing lab. I requested 16" x 24" prints and I was amazed at the quality of the prints. They were similar to my old method off shooting 'chromes with my N70 and having the same lab process to large prints.

I think you should consider buying the Nikon Capture software and using the sizing controls. The files generated were 70 - 80 M if I remember right.

Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Simply install the free PictureProject 1.1 from the CD that came with the D70 and it will install the Nikon NEF (PP)Version Photoshop Plugin. After the install, start Photoshop and click Help > About Plug-In to see if it's there. Then File > Open & navigate to your .NEF file & voila!<div>00CNaw-23850584.JPG.1e7c46c904958a3983060d3fc7814040.JPG</div>
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