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Follow up to recent Space Shuttle thread


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Darren, Just had some thoughts concerning the actual photography of the lift- off.


Firstly. What effect would the noise and vibration of the rockets have on the VR funtioning of the lens, when mounted on a tripod? If I recall from Bjorn Rorslett's site, the VR of some lens' does'nt work all that well when the lens is tripod mounted.


Secondly. You might try shooting in Infra-red mode...ie. with an infra red filter, just to be different? Good luck and hope to see your pics here, of the launch.

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Darren, thanks for sharing these images. Very cool stuffs!


I worry about the turtoise though. I hope he won't be around when the shuttle blasts off. I don't know anything about this, but is there some sort of mechanism to protect the critters around the shuttle platform during a launch?

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Mark, (re: it's a tortoise!)<br>

Thanks for the info!  Indeed, it's probably a tortoise rather than

a turtle.  I did think it looked exactly like another tortoise

I've seen, which is actually also posted somewhere here on Photo.net:<br>

<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/nw-fetch-msg?msg_id=00BzZ4">http://www.photo.net/bboard/nw-fetch-msg?msg_id=00BzZ4</a><br>


I just initially assumed it must be a turtle, based on the fact that it

was living in a wetlands preserve.  But, when I google searched

"Gopher Turtle", I read that:


"Periodic natural fires play an important role in maintaining tortoise



Well, I should say this area does have periodic fires!  Albeit not

quite natural ones...<br>


So, Nghi, no need to worry about this little fellow.  He likes

rocket exhaust plumes!  ;-)<br>



Bruce, (Re: camera pass?)<br>

Surprisingly, no.  There is no restrictions about taking cameras

anywhere at KSC.  (Well, maybe certain buildings.)  No one

gives you a second look.  Whereas, at the space shuttle factory in

Palmdale, CA, security comes up to you quickly if you display a

camera.  If you convince them you are supposed to be there, and

there is an engineering need for pictures, you can get away with it, so

long as you promise not to point it away from the vehicle.  (If

you go outside and point a camera at one of the factories on the other

side of the runway, you're actually in big trouble.)  At my

office, like yours, cameras are banned.  Even camera phones. 

I have to take the sim card out of my usual phone, and put it in an

older model every day when I go into work...<br>



Jerry, (Re: astronaut cameras film vs. digital)<br>

I think they have some of both.  I know they have a Hasseblad

medium format on board (and have since the Apollo days - the camera was

the only non-American made piece of equipment flown to the moon). 

But, I'm sure they have digital models too, because some stuff that

gets sent down in-flight looks much better than a video frame

grab.  And some BIG lenses.  The first thing they do when

they get to orbit is flip the ship upside down, and start taking

pictures through the overhead windows of the external tank as it's

falling away.  They also do lots of earth photography with the

long glass.  Not sure what makes and models they use, but it would

be interesting to find out.<br>



(Re: VR - to use or not use when on a tripod)<br>

I've been thinking about that myself.  Thus far, I've been leaving

it on even when mounted on a tripod, but that's because my tripod is so

flimsy there is still plenty of vibration for it to take out.  By

July, I will have a better tripod.  (Leaning towards Slik carbon

fiber 713, not sure if I need to up that to the 813, which is not much

more.  Leaning away from the Gitzo's, but still considering

them.  I wish my local shops stocked the Slik's, so I could try

before I buy...)  I guess I'll have to take some test shots with

VR on and off once I've got it.<br>


Another thing to consider, is where to put the tripod?  If I put

it on the ground in front of the fence, there will be more haze than if

I went to the top of the bleachers.  But, when they're loaded with

excited people, I imagine the bleachers aren't the stablest of

platforms...  Probably would leave VR on in that case no matter

how stiff the tripod is.

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