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Subject this is the problem ?

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In an another 3D we discuss about nude picture and rating. I agree

mostly with all of you. We know that PN have some problem on rating:

it's dangerous to critique, low-high rating by friends or enemy,

everybody know such problems. Finally I personally think that there

is no solution but I think that still PN is a good place where to

see and exchange nice pictures. Looking on the top photos I can see

that majority of photos are good pictures, reading the thread of

forum I can meet a lot of nice, funny, smart people, this for me

compensate the bad side of PN. Just for fun I would like to start a

hit parade of more popular subject : You can just copy and paste

and put your rating. (Why ??? because I want to take a picture with

all these subject together to get the highest rating !!!!! )








Foggy trees


Trees and snow


Autumn leaves


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Let's see, right now the first page of the TRP contains, in order:


A sunset with a boat,

A mime with a butterfly,

A sunset on a snowy beach,

A sunset by the sea,

A bird,

A bird in a snowy landscape,

A bird,

A bird,

A pink flamingo,

A sunset over a lake,

A bird,

AHA! A picture without a bird of a sunset!

A bird,

A bird (but actually a rather clever photo),

A non-bird non sunset!

A scantily-clad but not nude woman (not a bad manipulation),

A wooden indian photographed at sunset,

A nude,

Bird feathers,

A bee,



Only two pictures that weren't some combination of bird/boat/broad/bee/butterfly/sunset (and a mime!)

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ROTFL... there are times when this whole rating/TRP thing cracks me up :) But for the record - I like birds, boats, sunsets and I even like nudes. Fuzzy animals are pretty high up on the list too, and if you put a horse in the thing I'm likely to swoon. Calendars of pretty pictures are popular because they're pretty, not generally because they're unique, or edgy, or experimental, or doing something no one has ever seen before. There's a place for the "ordinary" well done picture of just about anything. And I think that's where the majority of ppl rating on PN go - to the pretty, generally well done photo, and are mostly ignorant of "proper" lighting, etc etc. And that's just the way things are going to be - people being what they are. I don't have a problem with it. But the mate/revenge/-raters... that's just a crock and needs to be handled with a fairly heavy hand, soon.


In the mean time -- please show me the Perfect TRP Photo :) PS gurus, step up! We need a beach scene at sunset in winter, with birds and the Female Nude Polar Bear Club team from Iceland, perhaps one of them could be leading a tiger on a chain, and another could be rowing...., and the last leaves of autumn could be clinging to a nearby tree as fog is rolling in... I know you can do it!

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