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Focus Issue With 20D help

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I've been using the 20D for about 3 months and have about 6 weddings under my belt

with it, and have been impressed with the results until this weekend. There are only 2

things I can narrow it down to. It was pouring buckets and I'm wondering if moisture

may have played a role and secondly I used a brand new 580ex flash. I originally had a

580ex flash but I bought a new one for my assistant and ended up using the new one

myself. I was using the 28-70L which I use quite often.

I started at the brides house and all of those pictures came out great. It wasnt until I went

outside while it was drizzling that I ran into problems. I took a few umbrella shots, and

only a couple came out. Many (60) of my formals came out either soft or just plain out of

focused. I was using aperature priority setting.

I'm going to upload a few of the pictures here in a few minutes but wanted to see if

anyone has run into a moisture problem ( if its possible or just plain user error). Any

thoughts before I post the pictures would be helpful.

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Even if your camera didn't autofocus properly you should have noticed during the shoot. (Or didn't you bother to look through the finder?). So, if your finder image was sharp, but the pictures are really out of focus (and not fuzzy due to camera shake etc), I fear something inside the camera got damaged on the way out (Could moisture have gotten on the sensor?).



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Yep, I had the problem with my 24-70 f/2.8 L - I knocked the MF-AF switch on the lens a bit and got intermittent focus. I flipped the switch to AF and haven't had a problem since. I find that the "beep" on the 20D helps to confirm focus. I also use the central focus spot on the eyes of my subject and recompose.
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