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bronica SQa WLF or Metered WLF?


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Hi guys, just want to know your opinion on this 2 Waist level finder

(bronica SQa WLF or Metered WLF) since im planning to get one to be

mainly as my travel camera (bronica sqa 6x6 80mm)and I want lighter,

compact and easy to handle since im using the bronica SQA 80mm with

speed grip and metered prism finder I find it so heavy for my

purpose so guy im not familiar with this two item but I know the WLF

can be folded but without meter and the metered WLF I dont know if

it can be folded or as just heavy as the metered prism finder, guys

could you comment on this pls



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The metered WLF - AKA the MF Finder S cannot be folded. Its operation is similar to the ME Finder S - it is a manual exposure unit only, and has a knob on the side to set the shutter speed (and overrides the speed dial on the body).


I guess it will be lighter than the prism finder, as there is no prism.Can't find the weight mentioned in any of the books I have though.





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I recently weighed my finders in response to another posting. Chris is right, the Metered Finder S cannot be folded, in fact, for the Bronica SQ series, there are no finders with meters that can be folded.


Here is the weight info:



- Waist-level finder: 3.8 oz (108 g)


- AE Prism Finder S: 13.9 oz (394 g)


- MF Finder S (stovepipe type): 7.6 oz (215 g)


- Prism Finder S (non-metered: 11.7 oz (332 g)


- Prism Finder AE Sqi (the fancy one): 1.0 lb (454 g)



Hope this helps.



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