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Which college would you pick?


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My daughter is planning on studying Photojournalism this Fall and

has gotten into the following colleges. She is having a hard time

deciding where to go so any feedback would be appreciated .


The colleges are RIT , Mass College of Art , Art Institute of

Boston , and Umass Dartmouth - College of visual and performing

arts ?


She is worried about the cold and social scene at RIT so any

experience with that would also be helpful.


Thank you for you help.

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I went to the Art Institute of Boston in the mid 90s so I'm a bit biased. Great school

though. I actually studied Graphic Design there after taking some classes at Mass Art.

Personally, I preferred AIB. Keep in mind that it's not associated at all with the Art

Institutes Internationl you see advertised on TV in some other cities. AIB is part of

Lesley College, and a completely seperate entity from those "art farms" you see

advertised all over the place. Personally I think an atmosphere like Boston lends itself

a bit better creatively to a photojournalist than does Dartmouth. Boston is a great art

community. I just spent the weekend back up there. I think the environment makes as

much of a impression on an artist as does the education. In a field like photography

you NEED to be in a place, at least starting out, that you can connect with other

creatives, and make important contacts. Boston as a city gave me some great

opportunities, and is a large part of the reason I've been successful at what I do.

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I graduated from RIT and still live in the area. I wouldnt worry about the cold or social scene. The Boston area got almost as much snow this year as Rochester did. As for the cold- yes it can get cold- the wind is what really gets to you. I moved to Rochester from the Tampa Bay area in Florida (GO BUCS!), so if I can do it anybody can. The social scene is actually pretty good lots of things to do/places to go. Toronto is a 3-ish hour drive away if Rochester does not have what you want.

Also I wouldnt let those be the tie breaking reasons she chooses a particular college to attend. If you guys have any particular questions feel free to email me - jchad@frontiernet.net



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I am also thinking about going to RIT, and am a bit skeptical on what type of living i can expect afterwards. Im planning on studying photojournalism as well, and aslo live in the boston area. I was just at the information session for accepted students in newton. Wasn't too helpful for prospective photographers, so any advice on photojournmalsim as a career path and what RIT offers is helpful.


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Matt - my daughter Laura is also interested in the photojournalism program at RIT . She was at the accepted students reception in Boston on Monday night and I think we saw your name in the RIT accepted student chat last night . She is doing an overnight at RIT and will be hosted by a current photojournalism student this Thursday and Friday . You guys should talk and compare notes when she gets back this weekend . Her email address is spiffygal20@hotmail.com , she was the one that asked the question about ultimate frisbee at the reception .
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I'm a specialist in this field so I'll stick me neck out.


The most famous is Univ. of Missouri among the others which have reputations I would include

Brooks Inst.(Sta. Barbara/Ventura CA)

U Kansas

U Miami (FL)

Miami of Ohio



One of my all time favorites which is less well known except to the graduates would be Southern Illinois Univ at Carbondale

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