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Pentax 645n-Next lens selection


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I have a Pentax 645n plus the af 75mm standard lens.My funds are

limited and I wish to get a moderate wide angle.Should I go for the

af 45mm lens or the manual focus lens?Does using the mf lens retain

use of matrix metering and data imprinting?I have around 350ukp(700

usd)to spend and whilst I do mainly landscapes on a tripod(with 85mm

square filter system),as this is my only camera,I also use it for

handheld stuff.Many thanks for your help-this is a big purchase for


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If your funds are significantly limited, the manual focus 45mm lens is the one to buy. They are relatively cheap on the used marked. I have one and like it a lot. I've never used the AF lenses (don't own an AF body). For landscapes, you don't really need AF anyway.
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This is where the bargains are. I'd go to www.keh.com.


No need for AF with a WA. I have the 45mm 2.8 and like it fine, but I think I'd prefer the 55 because it's somewhere between wide and normal, like a 35mm focal length on a 35mm body. That's how I see the world.


You should be able to buy two or three used manual focus 645 lense with your budget if you just buy used.



Good luck.

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I have the AF version.


I rarely use AF (I don't recall ever using it with the 45), but I once got a series of a fast moving girl on rollerblades with the 200 that would have been impossible without it.


I note that at KEH the price difference is $110 US ($340 vs. $450). That leaves room to add a portrait lens or a 55 and still stay within your budget.


It is likely that, even though you'll rarely want or need AF in the wide angle range (as pointed out in the other posts), the additional expenditure is likely to be recaptured someday on sale.


I agree with the comment about the utility of the 55 rather than the 45--if you have both I would think that you would use the 55 more--but if you are only going to purchase one or the other, you can always crop 55 to 45 but you can't go the other way.

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