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How to clean a flourite lens?


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Is there a particular way that I should be cleaning a flourite lens, as opposed to a standard non-L series lens?




My camera dealer told me I shouldn't really use a compressed air cleaner on a flourite element as it can damage the coating. He suggested using a cloth and/or a blower brush instead.




Is this reasonable advice to follow?




Also, how should I clean the mirror and underside of the focussing screen on my EOS 30/Elan7E?

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The flourite and UD elements are inside the lens. I have never used

compressed air on any photo equipment. I clean lenses using this

stuff, in this order (depending on how dirty it got): (1) blower

brush (2) micro cloth (3) breath on lens then micro cloth (4) lens

cleaning fluid (residual oil remover or formular MC) and micro cloth.




Use only the brush on the focusing screen. Don't touch the mirror!

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I don't use compressed air on my lenses, though I don't know if it's

supposed to be bad or not. I'd agree with the suggestions of the

previous response.




Like the first response said, the fluorite element is not exposed -

every lens model that has a fluorite element as the first real element

has a piece of protective glass in front of it. Unless you're

disassembling the lens to clean it (not recommended unless you know

what you're doing :-), you'll never come in contact with the fluorite.

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<div>Since, as far as I'm aware, the lens in question is the 70-200

F4L, the fluorite element is the third element. Both the front and

rear elements of this lens are standard glass (see this block

diagram <a href="http://www.canon.com/camera-

museum/camera/lens/ef/bd/ef_70~200_4l_usm_bd.gif">EF 70-200 F4L USM

</a>, but they are coated and should be treated carefully. Certainly

a lens should not need cleaning for several months after the last

clean (or after it is bought), unless it has been used in some

particularly "dirty" conditions.




For this reason, I like to keep a filter on the lens, since it is a

simpler job to take the filter off the lens and clean it than to

clean the lens itself, with rather lower stakes (I'd rather scratch

a £40 filter and replace it than a £600 lens). Of course, with

quality glass like the 70-200 F4L, you must not skimp on the filter.

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