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Discounts to the Military

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We are doing our first wedding at Fort Bragg tomorrow and I am really

looking forward to working it.


I have 3 military bases within a hours drive and I am thinking about

offering some type of discount or extra services to any couple in the

armed forces.


It would make me feel good and might generate some extra biz.


The downside is that enlisted troops don't have a lot of money unless

Mom & Dad are paying so I'd be looking at low-end packages.


Do any of you offer any discouting to active military?

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Hmm, at risk of getting flamed....why?


Why not offer discounts to doctors? Social workers? Police officers? Legal aid and pro-bono lawyers? Teachers? Aid workers? Aged care workers? The list goes on.


Surely these people are just as worthy of a discount as the military.


At the end of the day - you're running a business. You should charge fair market value for all, or be consistent, and give reduced rates to other essential occupations.

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My .o2 would be if you want to offer a discount. Offer it during your slower months or a specific month only. No sense in discounting yourself out of higher paying jobs just to feel good and help out the military. Usually the idea of a discount is to drive up business, and yes sometimes to say thank you. You said it yourself these folks usually don't have much money. Hey I know, I was one of those guys. You might end up working more and making less than you normally would.
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Hi Mark,


Being the daughter of a Military officer and the sister to another one I've had the pleasure of witnessing or being part of several military weddings. Most of them have been your pretty standard, not too elaborate fair. You may have enlisted as well as officers and you could offer packages to reach both levels of pay. You may even run across the double up and triple up ceremonies. Not to mention some very unique photo opportunities.


I think a military discount is completely right on target. After all, being within three military bases in your area means that the economics in your vicinity are very much reliable upon the military. I think it would show your support, and make you feel good in the process just like you said. Nothing wrong with that!


As long as you are able to make a living and be happy I say go for it...money isn't everything, sometimes just the joy of doing what you love is all that matters!



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Speaking as a prior military member, it is nice when someone gives a discount as a thank you for your service - but I never expected one, or thought I deserved one.


An excellent point by Craig is that there are many other service professionals very worthy of discounts also. So, as usual, it comes down to personal preference.


If it is a target market you wish to reach, it may be worth it to offer discount targeted for the bases around you. I can tell you that word of mouth is HUGE on these bases. A few good clients and you will have many more opportunities heading your way.


My advice? Try sending some marketing information out to the base and see what response you get. If you want to offer the discount as a thank you - they will appreciate it, and you will more than likely get more business.


The base Public Affairs office is a great place to start on what, and where you would be able to post on base. I know there are usually posts that talk about "Military-friendly" businesses in the area. They list businesses that offer discounts, or just perhaps businesses that have always had a community involvement with the base.

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Speaking as a former military member, I'd say it's a nice gesture, but from a business standpoint I fear if you're successful you'll just end up shooting a lot of cheap weddings. Great if you're WalMart, but not so great if you're a one man outfit. It's easier to shoot one $2k wedding than four $500 weddings. ;-)
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Living in DC area I also have a ton of bases as well as Annapolis withing one hour in every direction... Belvoir, Ft. Myers, Quantico to name a few. I get a nice sprinkling of weddings at bases and they are not budget weddings.. But - I do offer a discount for reprint orders of 10%.
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Speaking from four years in the U.S. Navy, and 20 years in the U.S. Air Force: be sure you make it clear to the soon-to-be wedded couple that you need "payment" for your services. A discount may be OK, but as in civilian life, some will want their photos, some will delay ordering, and some will expect you to wait a year or two -- and then want you to provide prompt service in making up their wedding album order.




Been there, done that, and have seen just about all of it....

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If it makes you feel good, go for it. :-)


It really all comes down to your market and how you feel. If you are trying to build a good base for your business and there's a large number of military around, it might be worth it - at least, if it does get you a few more weddings, it can get your name around more and that's always a good thing.

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<Hmm, at risk of getting flamed....why?>


Craig, no flame from me, just some observations:


People in the military risk their lives to protect our freedom while receiving low pay. No other profession, including the honorable ones you mention, has quite the same record of mortal sacrifice. Typically, military personnel are young and financially strapped. It's customary, at least in the United States, to extend all sorts of preferences, especially in the area of employment, to those who survive their service. I would expect that other nations do similarly. Why not show some gratitude up front?


Mark, sometimes you can do well by doing good, as the saying goes. I respect your decision to consider offering a military discount and I hope your business thrives as a result.

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As a former military bride, and a new photographer, i will be offering a military discount. I remember the days of 300. per 2 week paycheck. I remember making 10,000 a year, (This is true folks) and when we got bumped up to 14,000 a year the final year, i thought we were big timing it. We walked everywhere we went, (no car), and were 6,000 miles from home. I think it's a great gesture. I would suggest getting the money up front, or even offering payments up until the 60 days before the wedding when payment should be in full. It's not that you want to jip anyone, but when you are on that tight of a budget, uncle joe starts sounding good enough!!!! :o) Lot's of quickie/civil ceremonies too.
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Military discounts around bases is real old; I have seen it for first haircuts :) burgers; furniture; oil changes on Mondays; sports events; the movies; cafeterias; auto parts stores; dentists offices; thrift stores on the first Tuesday after military paydays; fishing boat charters; boat rentals; .. Then you get into the question; what military? Active when in uniform; active without uniform on; enlisted below XXX grade; retired military; disabled; vets; military wives; military kids; civilions working on the military bases; reserves; etc etc. <BR><BR>Discounts make the customer feel better. In the goofy examples I listed above; many are done for slack periods only. Thus if the boat rental guy is always running out of boats to rent on weekends; and has them mostly idle on weekdays; the discount is a tool to increase sales when there is idle capacity. The hair cut and oil change chaps seem to do this too. <BR><BR>
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  • 2 months later...
I think offering them a discount is an excellent idea. the man who equated to all public workers to military personnel is way off his mark. These professional soldiers voluntarily risk their lives for their country, regardless of how right or wrong you may think the mission may be. They make very little money for the amount of work they put in, and in many cases need discounts to make ends meet. They also truly appreciate every discount they recieve, so do the right thing and give those kids a break. they deserve it. Especially fort Bragg, being the base of the 82nd airborne division, a higly deployed, and highly professionl airborne unit. If you live around there, yo probably see them jumping out of planes regularly with nearly their own weight in equipment to complete the mission to serve their country. That alone warrants a discount in my book.
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