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Were Photos Posted In RFC Without Request?


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Yesterday, in two sets I uploaded about 29 photos into a new folder

and labeled it 'Previews' with a note that they had 'not been

critiqued' in the folder title.


When I awoke today about the last 11 uploaded photos had ratings and

critiques attached, which caused me, together with other comments in

the site feedback forum, to suspect that the last 11 or so photos

had been displayed in the RFC galleries which they should not have



I relabeled the folder 'Previews -- Just For Fun' and as those who

know me and comments -- I love them, they're high flattery, but the

photos weren't posted to seek ratings -- when I want those I seek

them on the RFC. I know that any photo is exposed to ratings, but

these were 'just for fun' and the way they were uploaded (and only a

certain number uploaded was rated and those in serial order)

suggests they made it into the ratings queue.


This suggests a PN bug, and together with other postings, suggests a

flaw that should be looked into.


Am I right?


I still love those comments, though -- keep 'em coming.


John (Crosley)

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Thanks Brian,

The 'tipoff' to me was that only the last 11 or so were rated and critiqued but the first set which I uploaded were not, which I found more than curious. I am still suspicious in view of previous Site Feedback comments and in view of the pattern of critiques and ratings I see (only a certain set of uploads were rated and critiqued and the others uploaded earlier in the day weren't) -- I don't particularly mind it, but it suggests that something didn't quite work right.


John (Crosley)

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It isn't visible to regular visitors, but administrators can now see where a rating came from: directly on the photo page, or through the Critique Forum. When I checked a couple of the photos you mentioned, I found that all the ratings are coming from people opening the photo page directly. So people are noticing them somehow outside the Critique Forum.
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Thank you Brian.


I appreciate the attention you've paid to the small matter.


I also appreciate the long, hard hours you put in working on the site maintaining it, steadily improving it, and putting up with serial griping, and don't intend to add to it.


(and I notice that since I uploaded my first photo a little over a year ago, there have been nearly 50% more uploads since then or over 3 million uploads, if photo numbers are to be trusted as a photo upload count. Somehow the gripers and complainers may not grasp that you don't change success too readily and you do so with a very measured hand.


Thank you again for your attention to this matter (and to your able stewardship which has not gone unnoticed).


John (Crosley)

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I was one of the people who commented on one of John's photographs, and I definately

came across it when rating a number of photographs in the critique forum "Rate Recent".


More weirdly, I have come across my own photographs in the same forum, when I haddn't

posted them there for critique. It was quite tempting, as I am sure that I could have given

myself a 7/7! I don't mind at all, as it is nice for people to stumble across my photographs

in this way, and it is always pleasing if comments are left (whatever they may be) - is that

not what this site is for?


Regards, Nick.

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Thanks for the comment -- it supports my suggestion that there is a 'bug' in the software. In going through the portfolio of, I think Max Zappa, I think I came across one of his own photos which was given a 7/7 rating in his highest rated gallery (I'm sure as a test of the system, as he doesn't need to gild the lilly, and I've noted others have mentioned similar problems/occurrences.


I suggest that because only the last photos of mine had ratings and (relatively high) views, they were in the 'rate recent' gallery, whereas the first upload the previous day (within 24 hours earlier) didn't get the high number of views or any comments at all -- which was my tipoff.


I think you have a persistent 'bug' Brian.


I'll leave what you do about it to you.


Best wishes.


John (Crosley)

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And one more thing, while we're on the subject. Supposedly there is a four image limit to upload to the critique request queue, but on several occasions (most recently yesterday), while going through the "rate recent" function, I have been presented with many photos in succession done by the same photographer - surely more than four.
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We seem to have a fairly regualr bug, in fact. All of the photos I posted in my Venice folder went for rating/critique without me requesting that. In fact I saw them and could have rated them myself. On possibly 4-5 occasions, I've seen whole folders run through. It's also odd that a photo can have zero views and up to say, 8 ratings.
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It appears, despite your protestations to the contrary, that sufficient evidence is accumulating to substantiate the position that something is very wrong with the RFC queue software.


You state: but administrators can now see where a rating came from: directly on the photo page, or through the Critique Forum."


I would be willing to say that piece of software has a bug in it, as well. In fact, the installation of that software may be the cause of the problem, as unlikely as that may sound. But I'm just an Information Systems Manager. What should I know?

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I don't know what people mean by "going for rating/critique". If you mean that the photo has been submitted to the Photo Critique forum then photos are not accidentally being submitted to the photo critique forum, and only photos that are submited to the Photo Critique forum will be rated through the Rate Recent feature.


If you mean that the photos weren't submitted to the Photo Critique forum but are ratable -- sure that is happening all the time. That includes ratings through "Rate this Folder". All photos on photo.net are ratable EXCEPT (paradoxically) those submitted to the Critique Only section of the Photo Critique forum.

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What we mean is that when we click on "Critique Requests" on the gallery page, and then click on "rate recent" to rate photographs submitted for critique, we are presented with photographs that have never been submitted for critique. That's what this thread is all about.
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Brian, you stated:


"only photos that are submited to the Photo Critique forum will be rated through the Rate Recent feature."


But Nicholas says he rated one of John's photos through the "rate recent" feature. John says he never submitted those photos for critique. I rated one of John's photos through the "rate recent" feature, but John says he never submitted it for critique. I have seen my own photos presented to me through the "rate recent" feature, that I have never submitted for critique.


And if you read the other thread here:




Federico says he saw two of his own photos while using the "rate recent" feature that were never submitted for critique.


This is just a game, and we're not all really crazy, right? The evidence seems to be overwhelming.

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Part of the confusion may be due to the fact that there are several different ways to access various lists of images. All are ratable, except of course, those that have been specifically designated by the photographer as 'critique only'. (Whether any of those are ratable at the moment, I can't say.) What I do know is that if you go to both the 'rate recent' queue from the gallery pull-down menu and from the home page photo critique section, you get the same starting image which has in fact been marked as requesting a critique. Don't know if every image in that list has been so designated or not.


However, if you go the gallery / critique forum / critique requests (rate), the first image that comes up is an upload that is not marked as requesting a critique. . . . .


. . . . . just tested it again. New photo to start the queue; no critique request.

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Barry, for the past several months when someone rates a photo in the Rate Recent queue, the source of the rating is noted in the database. There is not a single photo that has a rating from the Rate Recent queue except photos that were submitted to the Critique Forum. If the reports in this thread are correct, it means that not only are photos getting into the Rate Recent queue that don't belong there, but the code is not recording the rating correctly either. Pretty amazing conjunction of bugs; but I guess anything is possible.


The "Rate Recent" queue is a table in the database. If someone sees a going through the rate recent queue sees a photo that doesn't belong there, enter a rating, plus the comment, "I rated this in the Rate Recent queue", and immediately start a new thread in this forum.

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Gallery / critique forum / critique requests / recent (rate).


That implies that images in that list were uploaded and specifically marked for critique.


Checking for the third time, none of the first five are so marked.

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Hi John I also happen to comment on two of your photos but I did not find them through rate recent but instead by clicking one of the comments of Nicholas. Liked the photos and commented. Didn't rate any though. I think this bug has been pointed out earlier too where the photo appears in rate recent que without being submitted for critique and also you can come across your own photo while rating recent and the most funny thing is that you can even rate it if you like..... lol.
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Brian, I was under the impression this got fixed last night--or at least it seemed like it was. I just saw this photo




in the critique queue.


Also, sometimes I get the feeling you're being pretty defensive (boardering on hostile) with the members. Most of us genuinely care about this site, the members/users, and photography--we want photo.net to be the best place possible and our suggestions are meant to help improve the site.

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