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C41 Bleach&Fix CAP.?

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Using a Jobo CPE2+ W/1500 tanks and 600ml batches how many roles of

120 can the bleach and fix do per 600ml? Can they be replenished and

how. All Kodak chem. are used.

I've gone back and read the old info (including Ron's patents) and

can't find a useful answer.

Help and Thanks.


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The C41 bleach uses up bromide ion and sulfite ion. It changes Ferric ion to Ferrous ion. To replenish, you must oxidize ferrous to ferric, add bromide and add sulfite.


The way I do this is as follows:


1. I use the Jobo recommendations for tank capacity and develop the suggested amounts of film.


2. I discard the C41 developer entirely.


3. I run a second batch of film and extend the bleach and fix times by about 25%.


4. On the third batch, I remove about 25% of the fix and bleach and replenish with fresh fix and bleach and use the extended times.


5. On the fourth batch I repeat 4 and keep going until the fix begins to take on a distinct reddish bleach color. This is usually after the 4th - 6th run.


Used bleach and fix can keep for about 6 months.


(note that I use a 30" rinse or longer after the bleach and before the fix)


I am working on a real blix that will work with C41. If it works out, then, and only then will I change my mind about blixes for C41.


Ron Mowrey

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