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Blue Sky Turn Into Purple

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Hi Mitchell, the 'bad monitor profile' I am referring to is one created by calibration software. A bad profile can be created when the previous monitor profile is not unloaded properly when the calibration/profiling takes place, so in effect you end up double profiling. To be sure, you should remove the current profile in your computer's monitor settings, reboot the machine and then re-calibrate with your EYE-One (or whatever) hardware/software.
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This can have multiple causes:

<ul><li>In these shots, is only the sky affected, or do you have a general purple cast?

<li>Is you WB correctly set during RAW conversion? Obviously, bad WB gives your image a color cast

<li>Are there any clipped channels (mainly the red channel)? By experience, the 1DmkII like almost any DSLR tends to clip the red channel very easily if you are not careful with your exposure. This leads to a bad relation between the clipped levels and the non-clipped levels of red, thus produces a color cast

<li>What type of adjustments do you do during RAW conversion? Do you clip some of the highlights? (see above)


<p>In PS, you can correct for this by selecting the affected color range, and changing the color (preferably with the channel mixer)

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First, skip RAW entirely and see what a jpeg looks like. Narrow down the source of the problem by process of eliminating the camera itself. Then change ONE element at a time until you isolate the cause. It sounds like a RAW conversion issue.
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