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Still have problems with non-RFC photos in the RFC queue


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Brian, I was under the impression this got fixed last night--or at

least it seemed like it was. I just saw this photo



in the critique queue.


Also, sometimes I get the feeling you're being pretty defensive

(boardering on hostile) with the members. Most of us genuinely care

about this site, the members/users, and photography--we want

photo.net to be the best place possible and our suggestions are

meant to help improve the site, rather than a personal attack on you.

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---------------------------------------------------------------------Barry also noted this on our previous thread on this topic:


Barry F , apr 01, 2005; 01:52 p.m.

I hesitate to mention this, but it might also be interesting to know why there are critique requests from non-subscribers in the "Subscribers Critique Request" queue. Oh, no, here we go again.

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Robert I've thought about this and the problem I see here (and it's likely the reason Brian gets a little fed-up with some of us), is that the suggestions are repetative and are usually more demanding than suggestive. For example, you've posted this same response twice, along with multiple others in a similar thread! Remember Brian is human, things take time, and most importantly he seems to be aware of the situation and I would imagine he is trying to solve the issue currently. Obviosuly, he works "behind the scenes" and until the issue is totally resolved, you'll never know that he was on top of it.


Have a little patience, and you'll get some in return. Moreover, the less time Brian spends dealing with complaints about complaints about suggestions (intentional repetition), the more time he'll presumably have to get other more important things done - keeping in mind his "important" list probably does not match (y)ours.

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I've posted this on the other, parallel thread, which initiated this whole matter. As Matt Vardy suggested things take time and it helps if we assume some good faith on the part of the one person arounnd whom over 3 million of our photos revolve and who is responsible for the functioning of a site with hundreds of thousands of members and a staff that appears to be almost nonexistent. Suggestions of footdragging and bad faith I am sure appear to wear more than a little thin. This site is to me a model of efficiency, and we need to encourage the staff of this wonderful site, and help the small (is there more than one?) when we can rather than detract. I think Brian has shown responsiveness to my initial request and good faith in doing so, and no sign of footdragging. Let's help him attend to it, along with the million of so other things that must occupy his life along with this relatively minor (even if irritating) problem, such as the issue of resolving the mate-rating problem without sending some wonderful photographers (with their portfolios) off ina huff and offending the advertisers, whose dollars are essential to paying for the servers and the server time that subsidize us all looking at our 'wonderful' (and not so wonderful if you are looking at my photos) photos.


Sure, I like to feel like everybody hops when I say 'hop' and respond by saying 'how high?' but that's certainly not the way it works in a community site. This is almost a commune, and it's almost impossible to see how any for-profit entity could actually be making a profit from maintaining this site and we as members and subscribers all do 'profit' substantially whether we do or do not pay our $25.00 dues annually.


If I thought Brian were laying down on the job, I'd be the first to object, but I see not sign of that; I see the opposite.


My 2 cents worth.


John (who started this whole thing.) (Crosley)

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Brian, the problem with the linked photo above happened this morning right about the time I posted the above comment. I just tried going through the critique queue for a 10 photos or so, and everything was working fine: as it was last night. I'm not sure what happened this morning.


There is a problem, as Mr. Fisher noted, with the members critique requests.


Also, Brian, I'm sorry about being critical, but as a long-time user of this site I'm dismayed by a few things and the site feedback is the only way to voice my opinion. I know many other long-time users have also advocated some changes, but currently these changes aren't happening.


As for John and Matt above, I'm well aware of all of the work Brian has put into this site and I'm grateful for it.

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