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Minolta Autocord Focus lever won't move

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I just got a Minolta Autocord from a friend, who asked me to examine it. I'm

familiar with other TLR's, but this is my first Autocord. The cam looks very

good, but the focus lever won't move a single milimeter. Is there any secret

knob or other trick I do not know or is it just broken? I live in Germany so

any repair advice in other countries wouldn't make much sense.


Any help is welcome. Thank You, Stefan

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I concur with the others: The cause of the problem is 40+year-old grease in the helicoid that has solidified. It needs to be disassembled, cleaned and relubricated with a modern grease. The lever to which the focusing knob is attached is made of a zinc alloy. There is an right-angle bend in this casting which isn't radiused, thus causing a stress riser. A blow to the knob or unyielding grease and an attempt to force the lever will crack it. I fixed an Autocord I had a few years back by bonding a stainless steel tab to the broken part and attaching a knob cannibalized from an old Ricohflex. I used JB Weld, a very strong adhesive. Autocords are worth fixing. They are very fine cameras otherwise.
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