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On why should I care about # of visits


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Hi all. I've read in one of these forums that many visits to one's

photos could boost your profile. Is this true? If so, in what way

does it help me within the PN community?


Also, are non-patrons visits being recorded as well? or do you have

to have a patron visit your image to be counted in the # of visits?




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Depends on what you mean by "boost your profile."


Why you can see the number of times your particular images are viewed? I suppose it's so that you can corrolate that number to the number of ratings and comments? I'm not sure.


If you are getting a lot of looks at your images, I suppose people who frequent the site may eventually imprint your name to your work from frequency alone, and therefore look more often, perhaps adding you to their "favorites" list (if they like what they see), which tells them when you've uploaded more images that they also might want to see.


I think what you get out of it from the community will be up to you. If you encourage and participate in feedback, you'll likely find that many will comment on your work more often, hopefully with tips for improvement, or answers to your questions about particular facets of images you've taken. I guess those are some things you might care about.

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We ALL post our work here so it will be viewed by others.


Some are looking for feedback, some want praise, some just want to share. Whatever the ultimate goal, we post images here so they don't sit in a box or on a hard drive collecting dust.


The number of views gives some idea of how often your work has been viewed. Keep in mind however, that whenever that image shows up as thumbnail somewhere, it will be counted as a view even if it isn't opened.


The more often a single image is viewed, the more likely some of the viewers will find their way to your gallery to view all (or at least more) of your images.


I don't think the view count distinquishes between subscriber and non-subscriber.

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Federico, not only that it will boost your profile, it will increase your stamina, bulk up your physique, make you sexier, and get you many more dates. If you want to know how it all works, just extend my photo.net subscription for 3 more years and I'll tell you the rest. ^_^


All kidding aside, IMO, the more visit to one's photos means more interest in the photographer's work like what's been said above, and I don't think there is any differentiation between subscribers and non-subscribers.

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