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Mixed Brand Flash for Portraits Not Firing


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I have been reading the archives but nothing seems to fully explain

my issues so here goes.

I have long had access to a studio setup so lighting has not been an

issue. Now that I no longer have this access I am trying to

compensate at home. Please note that I do NOT do much studio work so

I do not wish to spend the money required for a professional setup.

I also like to use a light meter to measure manually the lighting in

studio settings. I do less then half dozen portrait sessions in a

year. Here is the equipment and what I have unsuccessfully tried:


Equipment (Shooting a high key setup where the background is washed

out): Canon 10D, 550EX Speedlite as Key Light, 430EZ Speedlite or

4000AF SunPak as Fill Light, 555 Auto Thyristor SunPak as Back Light

(to get a washed out effect).


PC cord from 10D to 555 SunPak. Wren or K-Star (tried both, both non-

digital units) slaves attached to key flash and fill flash. All

flashes set to manual. I never got the three to all go off. One or

both key or fill would not fire. They might fire once & then stop

until I removed them from the slave and re-installed. When the

4000AF was substituted for the 430EZ, it would regularly fire. The

555 also reliably fired.


I would like to be able to keep my existing flashes for such a setup

if possible. Please tell me how I might achieve this goal with as

much of this existing gear as can be used. Also remember that I do

not wish to use the E-TTL for studio.



Bruce Varner


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Thanks Allan & Van,

I am not aware that the two Canon flashes can be connected with a PC cord? I will check with Canon and see.


I have used several different slaves. None seem to work with these two Canon flashes.


By-the way, sorry I have taken a couple of days to answer. I thought I was supposed to get copied anytime someone posted an answer to my question but that seems to not be working.


What I am end up doing is just purchasing a couple of used vivitar 283's or 285's & only use the Canon flashes "on camera". It just is to bad that these two expensive units will not work as desired.


Bruce Varner



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