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removing haze


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I got my slides back from my aerial photography session. I had them

scanned in and save digitally. It was a low-cloud day, and I got a

fair amount of cloud/haze in the pics. Does anyone know of a plug-in

for Photoshop that removes haze ?





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No - but you might be able to tweak the blue channel some to knock it back. I've found

most atmostpheric haze to be blue, so pulling in some yellow can seem to open it up a bit.

Honestly tho, I don't know off had that there is too much to be done post shooting.

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i recall seeing a website for a digital filter that removed smoke... (could be haze)


basically there was a picture of a firefighter in smoke, but you couldn't see him very well.


then there was another picture in which the filter was applied and you can see the firefighter clearly.


i do not know of the website.

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