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Nazi-era Leica: fake or original ?

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Completely 100% genuine fake. The shuterr button is a dead givaway. In fact you really don't need to open the case. (The leather is too thick and stiff!)


There's plenty of places you can check up on, but when offered or if you see a 'Lecia' for sale it is best to assume it is fake, until proven otherwise. For every genuine Leica surviving, there are hundreds of fakes, usually worked-up from a cheap copy. (Usually russion Zorki, or Fed.) The Leica cameras were extensively copied by other manufacturers all over the world, and many were quite close so there are plenty of variations of fake leicas around, with varying degrees of accuracy.


In fact a lot of dealers get confused about this, as genuine Leicas are rare enough that they may only see one or two a year.


However, all is not lost. The fact is that good Leica fakes are themselves collectable! So it is probably worth at least twice at least the value of camera it was worked-up from!

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