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Got the lenses, questioning my choices, help!


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Oops, sorry, forgot to mention the flash.


I just like the results when using the center weighted using the 550's. I tried the 580 and it seems best (for me at least) using the center weighted metering too. I also use CF4-1 and that makes a difference when you lock exposure.


It's is the single most unfortunate aspect of photography for me. I hate flash in general (and in particular).


You have to play a lot to get any desirable results when using on cam flashes (not as friendly as a studio setup). I find that I do all I can to avoid the thing when possible :-)

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you didn't get the 85 1.2? oh well, I guess the lenses you settled on are ok :)


have you thought about how you're going to carry all that glass around while you shoot?


might want to check these guys out if you think a belt system might work for you




I use their products and I find them to be very very helpful.





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Lucas, I like your sense of humor! Yeah, I did look at the Kinesis belt system and I like it very much. Just can't see myself in a vest. I'm kind of an old gal, so I'm thinking too of a rolling Lowepro case I saw and liked. Nothing but the best for my babies!


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Hey Jan, if it works for you, great. Like David said, you can't go wrong with L lenses if your pocketbook can take it, but hope you aren't shocked at the size of them things. They are big lenses, especially the 70-200mm, and you can't easily be inconspicuous with that one. Wait til you get all three before figuring out your shoulder bag/rolling case scenario because just the hood on the 16-35mm, for instance is pretty large and won't allow you to slip the lens into a normal-sized lens pocket or case if you keep them in shooting-ready configuration. By the way, consider the theft potential when you pick out a case...read the previous thread about this. You have a lot of $$$ tied up in lenses now.
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Hey all, I got my lenses today...good news...bad news. I haven't had a lot of time to test them out yet, but thus far I very much like the 16-35L, it's great. I feel the same about the 24-70L although I look forward to really checking it out more tomorrow. I was surprised at it's size, bigger than I expected, but just fine.


Now....HELP! I think I got a bad 70-200L! That's what I get for coveting this lens. First of all....yes, it's a monster...sheesh, but that aside, I'm getting an error 1 message....contacts needing cleaning...oh brother....it's not my camera and on a new lens? Also, when focusing, there is a definite and audible "clanking" sound. Yep, like an internal mechanism....well..clanks. I've never had L lenses before, but where the other two are smooth fast and oh so quiet...this thing is not. Surely this isn't normal, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...
the clanks is probably because of the IS running. as for the error message, maybe it's just because the lens doesnt contact well with the body. try to clean both the lens and the body. the 70-200 f/2.8L IS is generally top quality lens. you shouldn't have any problem with it
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