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bride in a creek update


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Well- did the Bride/creek project today. I shot some digital so I

could see some photos tonight. So far they are looking pretty good-

and I actually did not drop/break anything and my flash stayed in

the little tree...nothing got drowned :)


Here's one for a few of you who wanted to see them- I'll put more in

my folder when I get them.<div>00C0fV-23156984.jpg.fc2d36931bf12a8e15980dcf1bf0ae33.jpg</div>

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Very nice very different. But it ain't gonna happen with the $1200.00 dress I just bought LOL.



by the way I think the waif like look of the girl really adds to the over all photo. A more buxom bride would not have had the same feel. At least not if a simular facial expression was used. Not sure about the wood blocking the lower dress I think I would like to see it as it goes into the water.


But in any case an A+ for a creative idea.

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Thanks everyone! Ben- yes- the RAW photos are fine in color, but I'm turning them blue. I think I'm going to do the whole series soft and blue...still playing though.


The creek had some problems- this was about the only spot where the water was very deep- around the curve it almost dried up. The good part was a pretty tree- the bad part- a fallen log that was stuck in the ground at both sides- which I'm going to be spending a lot of time cloning out (I'm bad at cloning).


A bridal store loaned me the dress for this purpose because it had a hole in the back- too bad it was about 10 sizes too big and we had to pull it very taught and clip- so no photos from the back. But- it was fun and I like the photos. I had originally thought of something grungier- but the model looked very sweet so I just went with it. I thought I could avoid a totally sweet look by making the photos more blue. Anyway- good fun stuff- but Chris, yes- I think you'd be better off in a pool :)<div>00C0qR-23165384.jpg.d4cd693776fafc20aeca40f6823b22bd.jpg</div>

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Or sitting on it?


I do like it as it is though. I fear that cloning out such a large object would be really difficult and look funny (for me anyway).


Are there any bigger creeks or rivers around? Not sure if your model or dress would be willing, but a bit more water with a full reflection and a more open background (like shooting down so mostly water is in the background) would look great too.


It was great to see your concept realized, I think you have some great shots here!

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I really like it. It almost looks like it could be part of a series I did. Of course my bride

wasn't standing in water and this was during an actual wedding, but it looks like it was

taken in a marsh setting. Someone mentioned your first shot creeped him out a little - I

see it as "eerily beautiful".


In my shot I isloated the bride by cropping out some of the guests on the right and used

the blue channel for my b&w conversion - then I added a little fog for atmosphere. I

actually liked the eerie aspect of my shot and as soon as I saw your first shot I thought of



I think the arm position in the second shot changes the whole feel completely, it's a little

more animated - personally, in the first shot, I think if her arm was up and she was

gasping a branch, like for balance, it wouldn't look as eerie. Personally I happen to love a

little "eerie". : )<div>00C1BM-23175184.JPG.ee455c38b448bbe40eeadb19a013c565.JPG</div>

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Carl- I agree- it is a bit eerie, but I too think it?s pretty. Your shot is lovely as well!


Steve- smart a**- Thanks for pointing that out- YES- I forgot to ask somebody for a bouquet- but I did cut one of my tulips for her hair :)


Originally- my thought was much wider shots?I did not bring my whole camera bag in case I was dropped the whole thing- etc. I brought a MF with an 80mm (my only lens for that), tripod, 10D (as the 20D was at the ?office?) plus the new 14mm, 50mm, 85mm. So I started to shoot with the 10D and the 14mm- she was in front of the stick. What do you know- the dreaded urban legend ERR 99- I could not believe it! So- she had to move pretty far back and I had to move back (I was up to my knees in water- cold, slimy water). We did take some shots of her sitting which I have not fully looked over yet?not much of a reflection but I did a quick job of cloning the log out just to try it- not too bad at all. I like the second shot too- I?m going to print a 16x24 for the bridal store that loaned me the dress of that shot. Thanks everyone! Next time I get an idea I?m going to brainstorm here first- now I have more thoughts on what I should?ve done?<div>00C1Ba-23175384.jpg.004c2daab6f7580d898cc6f828f83324.jpg</div>

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Really cool Stacy and Carl.


You are better at cloning things out than me :-) (I thought you would be...)


Is that really a tulip in her hair? It's really big! ...and looks like a rose... If it is a tulip what kind is it? (I'm not being sarcastic I really dont know much about flowers)

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