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Hand strap instructions


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I know that somewhere in Photonet there was an article or thread on

how best to attach the hand strap to the Body. I can't find anything

on my searches. Does anyone have any advice on attaching the hand

strap to the body, or a link to an article on the subject?. I have a

D1 MkII.



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Howdy Jim,

Actually a very good question.. My daughters Nikon Coolpix strap came undone while on a cross country trip, The camera had to go back to Nikon and cost what a used replacement goes for...

It occurs that it may have happened once after that as well without the disaster this time. I would be inclined to install it per the manual and then have an upohlstery guy sew it for good measure. The sound when it hits the concrete is unforgettable.

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The nt description in the on-line 1Ds manual of how to attach the Neck Strap and the Hand Strap is so clear that I don't think I could really add much. It is on page 36 of the manual. The only thing I could add is that it seems that worries about the metal piece rubbing on the camera or LCD are not a concern as the strap material appears to protect the camera. The hard question is whether in actual use it is a blessing or a bane to have both the neck and hand strap attached.

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"Does the handstrap get in the way when shooting verticals?"


IMX, it can be pushed forward and clear of the vertical controls if it's loose enough to be comfortable when used in the horizontal position. (Lots of the complaints about it seem to be generated by adjusting it much too tightly. It doesn't need to be a tourniquet to provide plenty of security and support)


It doesn't do a thing for you unless your hand is in it. In any event, I don't bother switching over to the vertical controls unless the camera is on a tripod and there the strap doesn't make any difference.

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