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Has W/NW deteriorated - How to improve ?


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We see some interesting shots, but 80% is, to mimick the LUG definition,

"a dreary parade of grainy, B&W, poorly framed & composed, cat/ butt/

brat & empty-doorway snaps."


I do not question the love of owners for their pets, children, girl

friends et alia. Any suggestions on how to motivate contributors to have a

more critical look at the aesthetic quality of their pictures before they

publish them?

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Don't spoil my fun. I download the grainy, overly murky prints that are diasplayed, to Photoshop. I then can practice adding sperkle, adjusting color, lightening shadows etc. When I get it right, I erase it and wait for another to come along.

When I goof up one of my negatives, I,now, have the know-how to repair it.

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I think crafting great photos is a skill that doesn't intersect well with those who are really

more into equipment ownership. It's a matter of priorities and of what you want your

photography to be about.


I can't speak for others, but I made a decision several months ago to not post pix here any

more, mostly because of the dreadful photos that were being posted, due to a lack of

care/editing, and having respect for where I place my images. It looks like others have

done the same and are posting elsewhere.


Ray's message from several months ago was spot on...

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If only 80% of shots posted were dreary then we'de have 20% that were interesting and those are pretty good percentages. I think you're an optimist. And since adminstration guted the Leica Forum the other day it looks much worse. The best shooters aren't posting. The best talkers aren't talking. If we want a place like this to look and display and talk photography then we better find a better way to cohabit because this just ain't gettin it.
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<i>Any suggestions on how to motivate contributors to have a more critical look at the aesthetic quality of their pictures before they publish them?</i>


Nothing's worked so far, and I'm begging to think most people here like it as is. It's a little like a Ferrari club day at Lime Rock Park: A bunch of well-to-do, clubby people get together and turn lap times a tuned Honda Civic could beat, then they go back to the pits, eat cheese and talk about the 'specialness' of their vehicles. The rudest thing you could do, of course, is ask them why their Italian thoroughbreds are so freaking slow.

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Peter quoted: "grainy, B&W, poorly framed & composed, cat/ butt/ brat & empty-doorway snaps."


That statement really doesn't hold up well to scrutiny. None of the descriptors necessarily characterises poor photography, except for "poorly framed and composed". 1.Grainy: There are good and bad photos that are grainy; same goes for not grainy. 2.B&W: Nothing wrong with B&W photos. Ansel Adams and Walker Evans made some mighty good ones. 3.Cat/ butt/ brat & empty doorway shots: The subject, in and of itself, never determines the artistic level of a photo. There are wonderful photos of somebody's kid and lousy photos of whatever trendy subject one can name. So maybe the author of that statement just needs to have a few prunes. Live and let live.

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Might be a start if we could stop making blanket statements

about how bad everyone(elses) work is. Altho this particular one

I agree with- "If you're not taking bad photographs, you're not

taking good photographs". And the constant describing of this

forum as a fondling gearhead meet is SUCH an insult to the truly

able photographers who show here.

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