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First impressions on the EOS 30

paulo bizarro

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These are my first impressions on the new EOS 30, that I have been using for the past couple of weeks:

1. I use it with the BP-300; needless to say, it is a big improvement in handling, IMHO.

2. Overall ergonomics are good, especially the focus point selection pad that is incorporated in the QCD. There is a CF that makes it really easy to select the focus point using only this rear pad.

3. The camera feels solid, a lot more so than the EOS 50; Canon says that the top and front panels are aluminium made, perhaps that is the reason. Lens mount is made of metal too.

4. The commnad layout is what one could expect, traditional EOS; however, there is an enormous improvement, in the form a dedicated DOFP button. Finally!

5. Other small useful things are the dioptric correction and the nice viewfinder display, IMO it is more easy to actually see the display, compared to the EOS 50.

6. ECF works fine for me, and I use glasses.

7. The central focusing point is a lot more sensitive in low light.

8. The camera is at least as quiet as the EOS 100. Amazing job!

9. Things I find are lacking: spotmeter.

10.Metering is good, and consistently so. Partial metering is there for extra-control.

In conclusion, it is a really useful photo-making tool from Canon, and it features all the ETTL wireless flash technology, so you can invest in more flashes instead of an EOS 3, for example.

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I'm new at this, but isn't the EOS 30 the same camera that is sold in

the US as the Elan 7E..??...from the description it seems so. My 7E

is due in tomorrow via Fed Ex and after reading this I sure do hope

that they are the same camera with a different name. I'm excited, and

thanks for the information..!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is a small update, as I get to use the camera more. I have take

it during a one week trip to Moscow, where it (and I) have endured

temperatures ranging from 0 to -21º Celsius. It has behaved

faultlessly, together with two lenses (28 and 85). I have even

changed lenses under heavy snow fall. The camera had the BP attached,

and the batteries have not died on me. Only problem was to remember

to prevent condensation. When entering warmer places I would leave

the camera inside the bag for at least one hour. All in all, a superb

camera. Exposure was spot on also, I have used the camera in partial

metering mode, metering off the snow and exposing.

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