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Do not drink beer while scanning....need help cleaning negs :-)

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A quiet night with my wife, cold beer, going through honeymoon

memories...sounds nice eh? Sure, until the scanner ejects the

negative holder into my beer, dumping it all over my



I tried wiping them off but there is still a film of stuff on the

negs, and some of them I missed in my cleaning. I tried PEC-12 but

after reading the bottle it says it's not for water soluable

stains. Before I get served for divorce, what's the best way to

clean these negs?


Thanks from the dog house,



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Thanks to all for your very informative replies. Looks like I should drink Photoflo, rinse the negs in Grey Goose, and share some wine with my iBook...no, wait, I read that all wrong...


Seriously, I have tons of Photoflo, but I've never used it on color negs so I wasn't sure on that. Gee that stuff is concentrated. Used two drops from an eye dropper in a half gallon of water and the negs are soaking now. I will let you know of the results.


Be well, my fellow photo.net friends, and thanks for the help.



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