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Critique Request

kristen riley

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Hello. I have been studying photography for about 6 months now. Due

to family obligations, taking a class is not feasible at this time.

I was wondering if some of you would take a look at "My Favorites"

folder and offer some opinions on my work--what am I doing right and

what could be done differently.



I appreciate it

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Hi Kirsten. I just had a look to your images and could see that you did not request a critique there. Go to the dedicated image and there, in the options, you can request critique - you will see this will lead you to have answers and high & low ratings soon - you will learn out of it. I like your images and hope to see more of your stuff soon. Happy Shooting! Regards Axel
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I liked all the pictures except the one of the woman kissing the baby with her tongue. That one seemed a little odd, even disturbing. The pictures of the baby's bare behind could be of questionable legality in some parts of the USA.
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Thanks for the input. Just wanted you to look a little closer at the photo of mother and baby. The mother was kissing the baby and the baby happened to open it's mouth (as baby's often do). The mother's tongue was not involved. I understand if it isn't your taste. Also, let me know more about the legality issue--where I could find information on that. This is my child, but it would be good to know more for the future. Thanks, Kristen
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I like all the black and white ones. I particularly like the mother kissing baby one - very nicely cropped/composed - not sure how someone saw a tongue involved there (!!??). I like the way the faces come together almost like a puzzle around the noses and lips. I also like the fact that the mom's eyes are shut, but the baby's are open. I think the more closely cropped "behind" picture is better than the other one - the composition looks better to me this way - I like the repetition of horozontal lines (the door, the legs, the butt, the spine). The diagonal plank on the door adds a bit of dynamic (?) to the photo too. The light may be a bit too harsh on the leg however. I don't care too much for the color image as it seems way too harsh and contrasty.


All in all, very nice photos. Thanks for sharing.

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Technique-wise, the most apparent thing is that they ALL had blown out highlights. Sometimes that is used for effect, but here I did not think the high-light contributed anything.


Artistically, all of the black-and-white ones looked posed and contrived to me. I didn't mind it in the color picture--it's natural to see an adult posing. But children should looke more natural, in my opinion.


You wanted a critique, right :)

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It's funny that David thought the mother was using her toungue. At first glance I thought the same thing, but a closer/longer look revealed it's just the other side of her lip. I like all the pictures except for the gray embossed one. I think for only doing photography for 6 months, you are doing great! Keep it up!
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