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Contaflex I (or II) re-assembly

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Several days ago, I posted notes relative to the removal/cleaning of

the shutter in the Contaflex I or II models, and I pledged to also

post instructions on how to replace the shutter so that it works

again. Here we go...


Assuming your aperture ring/aperture leaves are working smoothly and

quickly, first replace the adjustment shims back where they were.

Clean and replace the rear element, if you haven't done that, and

also make sure the rear surface of the interior element is still

clean. On the lower part of the large "wheel" inside the body,

you'll see the flange which strikes the shutter release tab. Put a

little bit of very heavy grease on that...stick lubricant or wheel

bearing grease is perfect. It is important to have a bit of grease

here, as this will be the first place your shutter hangs up in

time...the first point of resistance to the travel of the ring, so

to say. Now, make sure your aperture actuator wheel is set in the

proper place. Personally, I open the aperture on the shutter all

the way and move the adjustment on the body to 2.8. Then, look at

where your aperture flange will fit when the shutter is installed--

the little slot, that is. The slot and the flange should be in the

same relative location, and when you look through the little slot on

the wheel, you should see black...not any silver. If you see

silver, you'll need to move the wheel until you only see black.

There is one more important thing. At about 2:00 inside the body,

you may see a small lever with a spring protruding from the tip.

You must make sure to move this upward (toward the pentaprism)

before installing the shutter. Ok, make sure the shutter release is

in its released (not cocked) state, and work the shutter back into

the body. You may have to wiggle it a little to catch the aperture

flange slot, but it should seat flush and the shutter speed pointer

should line up correctly...you can turn it as far counterclockwise

as it will go to get to "B" and check that. If all looks well,

cradle the shutter in place with your left hand and turn the camera

over. Replace the screw ring...get it started with a small

screwdriver or your spanner (if it will fit ok), and turn it back

snugly. Now, cock and fire the shutter at the 1/1 speed to see if

it is working correctly. Don't worry that the aperture isn't

operating. It won't work until we perform the final step. If the

shutter is working correctly, look inside the rear of the

chamber...down to the left lower part. You'll see the star wheel we

released earlier. Set the aperture selector to F22. Now, slowly

rotate the star wheel counterclockwise until you see the aperture

blades close fully to 22. Please notice I said counterclockwise.

At that point, start counting "notches." Continue to rotate the

star wheel until 20 notches (of the star wheel) have passed the

locking screw hole. How do I do that? I use a couple of small

screwdrivers or bamboo skewers. One to hold the star wheel, one to

move the star wheel. Yes, it is a bit tedious, but very necessary.

When I have reached the 20 notch point, I will hold the tip of my

bamboo skewer in the hole to block the star wheel and tighten the

center screw on the star wheel. Once tight, it will not move, and

you can replace the locking screw. Truthfully, nothing about this

will be as easy as I have made it sound, so expect a bit of

frustration. When finished, open and close your aperture while

looking in the back. It should move smoothly through its range.

Cock the shutter and the aperture should open fully. Set the

aperture to f22 and try the test I mentioned earlier. It should

work as new now. Please let me know if (when) you have questions.



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