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Pentax 50mm f/1.2 ?

ben conover

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Ben, do you agree with the law in Las Vegas which makes it illegal to help poor people? Like if you gave a beggar a slice of pizza you'd get locked up for 6 months and fined? I read that in an Irish newspaper and was astounded. My post on the Street and Doc. forum was removed. I'm only posting here because you were kind enough to anwser about the 50mm lens.


The reason I ask about the 50mm 1.2 is because there is one for sale on ebay, I already have a 50mm 1.4 which I think should be good enough. The 50mm 1.2 might be worth re-selling though?



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Is it an SMC Takumar, or something much newer? There're a lot of people who can help out over on the manual focus forums Ben - a lot of us shoot m42 lenses on our Canon DSLR's. (Assuming that it is m42.


Regarding the Las Vegas law, I personally don't agree with giving food or money to beggars. I'd much rather that some of my tax money was set aside to programs that help these people to get off the streets - unfortunately the reality of the situation is that it is not a clear cut black and white issue. Many of these people are on the streets out of preference (at least in a control sense), because they do not wish to be institutionalised or subject to government control.


I think it's a hugely complicated issue that I for one am not familiar enough with to make a considered comment. However...


I'm not sure arresting people is the correct course of action, but in the Vegas case I suspect it's supposed to be a method of keeping the homeless out of public parks - surely a better way would be to offer food elsewhere - I really don't know, these are all complicated human beings with their own motivations.


People seem quick to anger on the forums just now.

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Thanks for your response Ben. I think the Pentax lens is SMC, older version. I can't really see from the photo! ANyhow, I guess the serial number I gave above would trace it.


How much do the old K mount 50mm 1.2 lenses sell for these days?

I had assumed this was the right forum to post in, had't looked for a subcategory.

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Yes, I read the old glass is quite good. I have enough glass.

Makes no sense to buy it and shoot at 1.2 since it is quite soft and not far removed from 1.4 Also I would be worried about damaging it if using it, so an investment would be reasonable, if it has a high re-sale value, which is what I need to know.

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Z, you don't have a name. Get one. My name is Ben.


My posts were removed from the original thread about grants etc, not the one I posted later. I write on this site to learn about photography. In the last 3 years I have learned quite a bit. Yes, I have time on my hands, thankfully.



Chelo, interesting name. I make 'Cello's! also violins and violas.


Well, congrats... so you bought a great lens very cheap. Seems it is pricey if bought new...thanks.


Anyone know the value of 50mm 1.2 K/M/A used in excellent condition on ebay?

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