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HELP...lost pictures


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I am in a panic. One section of photos are missing from my wedding

images from last Saturdays wedding. I saw the images Saturday night

but didn't try to back them up until I got home on Monday. I

know... stupid stupid stupid. They seem to have disappeared. I

have run two recovery programs (from seperate disks--not from my

hard drive) but I don't see the pictures anywhere. Any ideas? They

are not critical to the wedding, and are a small portion overall of

the pictures I took but, I am sick over it. I am too Type A to

chalk this up as a hard lesson learned (yet). The files are NEF and

jpgs and my system is XP.

Any ideas?

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Are they still on one or more of the memory cards? Are you missing a memory card? Did you try a search of your hard disks (*.jpg)? Did you check your recycle bin? I also have software that allows me to look at deleted files in any directory, and recover them as well. How did you transfer them from camera to hard disk? Good luck.
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go to www.ztree.com

download ztree ver 1.49 works with xp

after 30 days it should be registered. pay kim henkel his $$$


L (log f2 f2) c ( no : required) logs the entire drive

then F *.jpg ( sets filespec for just jpg or jpeg ( type the right fileending ). and you will see the whole drive and ALL jpegs

( be sure you use the right suffix for the files)

you can also make it full screen by the config in the shortcut

NOT in the program . you can sort by date or anything.

alt s ( then hit) D ( date)

try it , it's free for 30 days and makes NO REGISTRY entries

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If the pictures are still on the flash cards, or if you have formatted them and not used them since. You can use chkdsk from the cmd prompt


chkdsk /F [Card/Camera Drive Letter]:


this will resserect any pictures as .chk, you can then rename them to *.jpg(or whatever they are)


This is a last resort but its worth a shot, I've recovered no end of peoples pics with this.



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Do you have a program for the NEF files? My NEF files used to come up easily enough in PhotoShopCS, but now they seem to be set to come through another program...a tryout my mother put on the computer...XP....down the tryout is over, because when the NEF files try to come up there, it no longer works....


So you might think if you added another program or not since your last download.....


I haven't solved my own little problem yet.....so I can't offer help there.....I just know I have that problem......the files are not gone....just bringing them up has gotten a little tangled......

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Belle, I think you might be on to something. I added a few programs that might be messing me up. Unfortunately, after a variety of search attempts, I still can't find anything. No luck in the Recycle Bin either. I still have my memory cards but the one that I used for these images has been written over already. I used Nikon View to transfer the files. I am not giving up. I will try the ztree solution next. The more I work on this, the more obsessed I am becoming. I can see every useless picture that I have ever taken so, it does not make sense that not one of this image group is showing up.
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There is a lesson in this for all of us: Never reformat and over write a CF card before you

KNOW you have the images in 2 places other than the card itself.


When I used to shoot Nikon I had all kinds of screw-ups and conflicts with the Nikon

software. So did all of the Art Directors that used it to process my images.


I once lost Nikon shots like you are experiencing, and eventually found them in the trash

when I inserted the CF card and opened the trash file. They did not show up on the

Cameras LCD review, nor on the computer screen until I inserted the card in a reader and

opened the computer's trash. No one anywhere was able to figure out what happened.

Programs and computers aren't perfect any more than the folks using them.


We eventually removed the Nikon softwear from our computers, and just used the PS 7

RAW plug-in, and eventually the PhotoShop CS RAW developer. Never had a problem after


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