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100% Authentic Leica Snapshots

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after a few deleted off-topic postings in a row, i hope to be let back

into the club by posting some genuine leica photos (now that i have a

working scanner again and am no longer quite so distracted by the

evils of digital photography).<br><br>

this <b>first</b> set is from a couple of rolls taken toward the end

of last fall:<br>




the <b>second</b> selection is pretty much from one afternoon of

shooting a couple of weeks ago (when i picked up my cameras again):<br>




it's all on tri-x (processed in dd-x) and primarly through a summicron

40, with the occasional tele-elamrit 90 shot.

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thanks. was i really away that long?




i'm not sure i have any "real" work, but if you want to see something other than snapshots, this would be a start...<br>

<a href="http://www.avzine.com/vuk/g05/gallery5.htm">http://www.avzine.com/vuk/g05/gallery5.htm</a>




i have to confess that my knowledge of the history of photography--apart from the work of helmut newton--is more than a bit dodgy, so feel free to fill me in on (or point me to) charles gatewood.

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Some GREAT color images... where were the majority of these taken?


"Circle".... is that in Vancouver on Granville Mall per chance?


"High Finance".... she was actually calling home to ask, "Do we need milk, dear?" :)


Just kidding...nice pics!



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Charles Gatewood is a photographer I followed a number of years ago, but haven't paid much attention to lately. Some of your images reminded me of some of his from Wall Street, a book of images he published in 1984. He is perhaps more famous for Sidetripping, a book of images published in 1975, and co-authored by William S. Burroughs.


His current site is: http://www.charlesgatewood.com/ which will give you some idea of what he's doing these days.

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I took a look at the afternoon shots from a couple of weeks ago. I like the high contrast, too, which gives your pictures a graphic, abstract look. Your pictures remind me, in this way, of Bill Brandt's pictures. Take a look at his photographs--on the web or in books--if you haven't already done so. I bet you'd like them. Are these images scanned from negs or prints? Just curious. I'd love to see actual prints.
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<p>Thanks for the links, Vuk. I like the pics and the missus (who happened to peek over my shoulder) liked them too. And I don't care what camera you used.</p><p><em>i have to confess that my knowledge of the history of photography--apart from the work of helmut newton--is more than a bit dodgy</em></p><p>Newton Schmooten; try oh, let's see, maybe Manuel Alvarez Bravo and Max Yavno.</p>
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"i have to confess that my knowledge of the history of photography--apart from the work of helmut newton--is more than a bit dodgy"


I just completed a History of Photography course at a local JC...highly recommended. Since I have been shooting for a while, I already knew a lot about the 20th century people, but learned quite a bit about 19th century photographers as well. One of the great books on photography's history is Naomi Rosenblum's "A History of World Photography."


In general, I find that expenditures on books of photographs by great photographers are far better than "how-to" books on...

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Liked them all a lot. One question: I didn't get the last one in the first series (something about missing the moment). Are they not staring out at a racetrack? But anyway, I wondered how that would look vertical, so that their reflections in the table were fully shown? Ah, just thinking out loud...



Ray Hull

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hey, thanks for all the praise--i really didn't expect such a reaction and i can't believe we've managed to steer clear of the usual late-night party crashers (i'm usually a favourite target).


to address a few specific remarks/comments...


<i>"One question: I didn't get the last one in the first series (something about missing the moment). Are they not staring out at a racetrack?"</i><b>--ray</b><br><br>

i'm the one who missed the decisive moment. i needed to wait another second or two as their heads turned more toward me. in any case, i was far more concerned with gambling (investing) at the track last summer than taking pictures. i will make a more of an effort this upcoming season: there are plenty of brilliant opportunities on hand.<br><br>

<i>"But anyway, I wondered how that would look vertical, so that their reflections in the table were fully shown? Ah, just thinking out loud..."</i><b>--ray</b><br><br>

ian maceachern suggested the exact same thing to me on the phone yesterday and you are both right. i missed a great opportunity.


<i>"I admire your discipline.From what you've written here,and especially from your pictures, you seem to set very high technical and esthetic standards for yourself."</i><b>--john Lo Pinto</b><br><br>

this is one of the strange effects leica ownership has had on me: i'd feel incredibly silly using gear so bloody expensive if i wasn't able to get any decent shots with it. mind you, i only have two leica M lenses (neither of which is well respected here) and one body, all purchased second-hand.

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I like your photos, but to give credit where credit where is due, its your craft and not the gear so the "100% authentic Leica" should be replaced with "100% authentic Vuk".


You had great shots with your cheapo russian gear in the past. Even with evil digital gear, if you exposed for highlights in RAW, you could achieve much the same look. You'd have to be careful and use the histogram display though.

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