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Hal has arrived in Germany!


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Finally! After a long wait due to some post office error and Hal being

sent back and forth between Austria and Germany he just arrived at his

next stop here in Frankfurt, Germany. I will now do a little cleaning

and will soon decide with Hal what he likes to see and do.<p>

All I can tell you is that this is a very strange camera: wide open at

f/2.8 the aperture is round, from f/4 to f/5.6 it has a weird polygon

shape and from f/8 to f/16 is is rectangular! I have never seen

anything like this.



<i><b>HAL WANTS TO TRAVEL THE WORLD</b> - Diary:</i>

<p>Feb 26, 2005: <b><a


Andrea's first posting about the Halina Paulette and a PICTURE


<p>Feb 28, 2005: <b><a


Andrea shows more Halina PICTURES and an idea is born...


<p>Mar 10, 2005: <b><a


Hal arrives at Roman in in Vienna, Austria


<p>Mar 11, 2005: <b><a


Hal's PICTURES of Vienna


<p>Mar 20, 2005: <b><a


Hal fails to show up in Germany


<p>Mar 31, 2005: <b><a


The long wait continues


<p>Apr 12, 2005: <b><a


Hal returns to Roman in Austria


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