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Those who are not interested in receiving ratings neither playing at

this game how can simply post their photos without receiving any

rating? <p>I use to post some photos and then ask for a critique

(critique only, withouth ratings) and happens that I simply put my

photos in my portfolio whitouth requiring any critique (might be

because I am in a hurry or because I have already asked for critiques

in other of my photos, or whethever...). When I later go back to my

portfolio I always found that someone has rated them, and most

frequently without leaving any kind of comments.</p> <p>Now I do not

wish they to be ratable if I haven't ask for ratings yet. Is there a

way to get such feauture? Or is that too complicate to implement?</p>

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Michele: From other, earlier posts, I believe that the site's owners are considering adding a

feature that will allow a photographer to tag images with a "not to be rated" sign, similar

to what happens when you submit an image to the critique-only forum. At present, it is

not a feature. The only way to exempt your images from random rates is to submit them

to the critique-only forum. Like you, I wish it was different. Ratings have their place but I

think it ought to be an election by the photographer.




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hi Michele. the situation you posed is an interesting one. and after giving it some thought, there may be a way to accomplish what you want. with a patient plan you can upload photos you do not want people to rate but only by "smuggling" them in behind the last three that you upload which as you know are plainly visible on your community page.


here is how I think you might do this. let's suppose you accumulate 8 photos to upload by being very patient (that's important!) and resisting the urge to upload one or two (or three) every day. set aside a session of time to upload the 8 photos (or could be fewer). select which three photos you wish to upload and request a critique-only critique. since you are a subscriber you can request 4 in a single day so that won't be a problem. now, first upload the other 5 photos, followed by each of the 3 critique photos. request those critique-only critiques right away. the result is that only your last 3 (crit-only) photos will be visible on your community page. the other 5 will have been "smuggled" in past the ratings-happy snoopers. sure, from time to time these might get rated, but they won't be immediately noticeable as "recent" uploads.


now, all this might sound like a lot of folderol, but in the bright light of LOGIC it makes sense. all it requires is patience and control of one's "natural" photo urges.

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michelle: unless you feel your image has somehow been violated after receiving a rating, i don't understand your concern. since your work is often outstanding, i assume the passerby gave you a handsome rate (which you have come to expect perhaps); or, they gave you an honest opinionated lower rating (which you are perhaps not accustomed to).


so unless you are a) trying to avoid being included in the TRP, or b) trying to avoid "abusive" ratings... i wonder why can't you just simply ignore them? isn't it possible that the viewer really enjoyed your work and decided to leave a rating, without being asked, to show they acknowlege/appreciate/enjoy/dislike your work? i thought all photos were "fair game" once uploaded to the www...

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also, appologies for mispelling your name.


but do you see my point? i think a lot of [talented] photographers are too concerned with the ratings here, it's like if an image that they really enjoy personally average's in the 4 range, it is somehow ruined/tainted/violated - a failure. but that shouldn't be the case. let the ratings come, or try your best to promptly make a c-o request.

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I would like to add photos as technical illustrations in my folder. Examples would be photos of unique equiment set-ups etc. However, I don't want to get bagged with a bunch of 2's because I put a color chart or photo of a special camera grip in my folder as public reference material.
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Last week I uploaded a photo of some auto focus gearing from a Sigma lens for a forum posting. It was a quick and dirty, low rez handheld shot taken on a sheet of paper under the kitchen lights with a Coolpix P&S. Within hours I had four ratings AND one critique (not requested) on that shot. Low ratings of course (it deserved 1/1 & 2/2 but one member actually rated it 4/4 IIRC), which didn't bother me in the least (who cares), but it was kind of funny to see people rating and critiquing a 400x400 photo of broken lens parts. :-)
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Occasinally, I'll have a photo I know doesn't work but I'm still looking for some suggestions. I'll upload the photo and, in the title of the photo itself, I'll type (not for rates) or (I already know it's a bad photo, just looking for suggestions on comp.) etc. So far, I haven't had any rates on these. I HAVE had valuable feedback in the form of comments. As a matter of fact, I find I get more constructive feedback on these than the ones I post for critique. I guess when the photographer acknowledges a photo's shortcomings up front, others are more likely to feel comfortable offering constructive comments.


Even if you don't think your photo is bad or lacking in any way, you might just state clearly in the title that you don't want any rates. It has worked for me. Down the road, after the photo is deep in a folder, you can always change the name if you want to make it open for critique.


Of course, someone may still rate it. Especially if they're trying to get under your skin. Such is life here on PN. Luckily, the courteous still outnumber the creeps, trolls, and multiple personalities.


I hope one of the suggestions posted in this thread solves your dilemma.

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