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Who prefers Nikon Digicams

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Saw this chart over on dpreview. I assume they're talking mostly about point & shoot

digitals, but Nikon ranks near the bottom with both men and women. I've never been

much of a heard follower, and really couldn't care less who else is using Nikon, but this

does seem to point to an image problem Nikon has.



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I don't think its an image problem for Nikon. If anything, people who know nothing about cameras are drawn to Nikon because of name recognition.



My store sells Nikon, Canon, Pentax, etc. I would make the observation that Nikon's P&S cameras are mostly "me too" offerings. Show me a Nikon P&S camera and I could almost always point you towards a Canon or other brand camera that is better-designed, has better features and/or sits at a better price point.



P&S digital cameras have become a commodity with too many competitors in the market. There is little profit in these cameras for manufacturers, given that the cameras generally have a production life of only a few months. Also, the P&S digital market will reach a saturation point in a year or two and sales will invariably decline.



I have no problem criticizing Nikon where criticism is due. But in this case, I think Nikon is wisely turning its attention to producing DSLRs, which have a longer production life and greater manufacturer profit margin. Nikon realizes that there is no sense slugging it out with other camera makers, computer companies (e.g. HP) and even camera phone makers in order to sell a few hundred dollar camera, when production costs may meet or exceed profits.

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Norman, if I'm recalling correctly Olympus has a P&S digicam with a zoom starting at 28mm. Not quite as wide as Nikon's Coolpix 8400, but possibly the next best thing on the block for wide angle fans.


The tricky bit is, how do they perform at the wide end? If barrel distortion, etc., is bad, then it's a feature of dubious value.

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Caution...Strong opinons included...


I manage a camera store (Not Ritz) and get to evaluate many different tpes of cameras. In my opinon AT PRESENT Nikon is producing a better compact digi camera than Canon. I am not saying Canon makes bad cameras, they don't! I think the Nikons have better lenses, metering, and image processing. They have easier to use interfaces and a better mix of features. What Canon does much better is get their cameras to the public in Wal-mart's, Cost-Co's, and just about every other big box store out there. Nikon is a much smaller company and just dos'nt have the ability to RnD, produce, market, and distribute like Canon does. What Nikon is doing is producing smart, well designed, quality compact cameras.


My store is not a Nikon only store. In fact, we sell more Canon cameras than Nikons. Canon markets and advertises better than Nikon. When a customer wants a Power Shot XXXX I sell it to them. Canon makes great cameras and they will be very happy. When I take a Nikon CoolPix 5600 and a Canon Powershot SD400 off the shelf and take the same picture at best quality and full auto. The Nikon produces a distinctively better 5x7 print than the Canon. Better focus, better detail, better white ballance, less noise, and better contrast in the Nikon print. Then I must say that the Nikon is better. By Christmas this can change. We will be dealing with a whole new crop of cameras. Right now I feel that Nikon is better. The current crop of Nikon cameras take better pictures than the Canons.


Now I have really jumped naked into a pool filled with sharks, jelly fish, and piranahas(sp). Please watch you language, this is a family forum after all.

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I think it's fair to say also that Nikon haven't really understood this market, even when they tried. Except for the CP 950, which became something close to a cult object, there have been a couple of cameras that have either under or overestimated the customers.


While many of the CPs look rather featureless for an outsider compared to the competitors, particularly Fuji and Canon, I know seemingly intelligent people who have had problems finding out how to delete pictures on a CP 5700.


If you go back to the 50's and 60's, a Nikon rangefinder (or SLR) was something for the pro's and advanced amateurs, while Canon sold millions of Canonettes to consumers. That experience has proven very, very valuable in the current marketplace.

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Nikon makes the best of everything, this may not be reflected in the sales ranks.


Just because it is near the bottom when it comes to PS digicam sales does not mean that they do not make the best.


Just because most of the average customers do not understand the build quality and capabilities of Nikon cameras you can not come up with such blanket statements!


Look at Leica, Eric. Just because it is folding does not mean they do not make the best range finders there ever was and will be.


CoolPix = PS "cult Classic"

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Norman, I expected someone to raise the 8400. The 24-up equiv. zoom is a good feature, but my understanding is that, nationally, sales of the 8400 have been dismal, even with heavy discounting. This has certainly been the case at my store.



The main problem with cameras like Nikon's 8400 (or Olympus' 5060 that I had but sold) is that while these cameras have impressive resolution, they lack buffers. So, even in high-rez JPEG, once you take a single image, the camera completely locks up for 15 seconds or more to write the image to the card. At $800, even after discounting and rebate, most buyers prefer to pay somewhat more for a Digital Rebel or D70.



Vivek, I didn't make a "blanket statement." A few of Nikon's sub-DSLR cameras are innovative products at relatively reasonable prices; but most aren't, and its silly to take the position that Nikon "makes the best of everything." (Have you ever held Nikon's piece-of-crap, Cosina-made FM-10 or the junky Lite-Touch Zoom 140 ED cameras?)



I would liken the current situation to the late 80s and early 90s when AF 35mm P&S cameras were outselling manual focus and primative AF 35mm SLRs by leaps and bounds. For a while, Nikon competed and made a few innovative cameras. But, as AF 35mm SLRs started to come into their own, Nikon started marketing less and less desireable AF 35mm P&S cameras. There were a few exceptions, but it was clear that Nikon largely left the AF 35mm compact market to Canon, Pentax and Olympus.



Similarly, before DSLRs could be made and sold within a marketable price range, Nikon was concentrating on making good P&S digital cameras, like the CP 950. With the monster success of the D70, Nikon is clearly turning its attention towards the DSLR market.

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most of their coolpix camera is really ugly...


look at the current coolpix lineup(not those "prosumer" class).... they really don't 've a "target" group in mind when design. in their ads, they really don't 've mention what's unique in their cam. panasonic market their anti-shake lens, canon state they use "digi" clips (although i don't understand why this works), some says smallest size, some says fast startup, strong battery life (like Casio), good movie ability etc... Nikon? they just never state why people should choose their coolpix(their their marketing do think their coolpix is that unattractive??). looking at the ads, people just can't find reasons to buy nikon.


by the way....many girls, at least here in asia, want pocket size cameras. They don't care about handling, battery life(they realize only after purchase, right?), speed (they got frustrated only after they missed shots in real world shooting), quality (judge by LCD screen when shopping)...... they want a big screen(i found many of them keep pictures in the card and use the camera as album) , small size, stylish looking, colorful (the camera itself, not photos they produce :D ) and they're happy with good looking pictures on the LCD screen and 4x6 prints.... well, this market is eaten by Canon IXUS, Casio, Pentax, Sony, Panasonic (my girlfriend 've a FX-7).... maybe the coolpix S1, which is not yet avilable, can 've better sales...

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I have to agree that Nikon's Marketing stradegy suck. Whatahell with the new D2Hs and D70s? Do those 2 DSLR(D2H & D70) really need a replacement? No one is complain about the D70 or D2H!


Where are the replacement that we needed as a Nikon Photographers, such as D100 replacement to compete against Canon 20D and D2H replacement with at least 6MPX please. Why spend millions and millions of dollar to pay the engineers to produce the same and redundant DSRL camera while you can produce better DSLR for the same investment?


And what with the F6? Do Nikon sell enough F6 to payoff the initial investment? I hope Nikon dont announce another F7 in the next 5 years!


And finally I thought Nikon couldn't do worst than that, they now encrypted the WB ... whataheck. Do we need EWB? and I think Nikon spend great deal of money to hire contractors and consultants for that EWB.


Nikon waste a lot of money on investment with little return. stupid Nikon VP.

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I've got a CP5000, which is the predecessor to the 5400 and it's still a great camera. Nothing else I'd rather have other than possibly the 8400 because of the 24mm equivalent. Of course, I'd have to buy new attachment lenses too...


I bought my wife a Canon last year, mainly because it still used CF cards and AA batteries - both of which I have plenty of. Most P&S are going to smaller memory cards.

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IMO which is limited, the coolpix seems not a bad deal at the higher ends but at a some what higher price.


I have a dSLR but the Nikon P+S digicams are unable to provide me a cheap camera with low pixels that still has a bit of manual controls and accept CF cards.


On paper I like the Canon A series, low pixels, cheap and have fair bit of manual controls and its CF cards. The lens is 36-120 abouts fair to say its not the best but it suits my casual use v nice.

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Relating to OP's post re: perception.

When I was younger at varsity and I got my first real camera, a Nikon Nuvis APS film camera p+s. I myself and others really like it, pple were even assuring me that that they seen APS prints and its v good compared to 35mm. They were also impressed I had a camera with the label of "Nikon". I think to a fair extend this is true, Nikon is the most marketed camera at films and stuff... When people look at a Nikon, the image is its a real serious camera. Canon can be seen as a more easier to use camera and a brand that pro's tend to use less of.


Many of my friends are using Canons, Pentax, Casio and Sony. I know only a one or two pple with Nikon. Many of them also want the camera to be v trendy and compact and not care about the extra features or if it is reviewed better.

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  • 1 month later...
While I use Nikon for SLR's and D-SLR's, I prefer Canon for pocket digicams. Nikon's digicam esthetic designs are awful, whereas Canon designs look great. When I was just getting into digital pocket cameras, I rated the main brands in order of how I felt about their aesthetic deigns -- purely on looks and irrespective of features -- and I happened to see that my looks-rankings directly correlated with the market-percentages of the main brands.
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Kelvin, I am glad Nikon makes the F6 and this is not all about money. Film has it's uses and Nikon wins a lot of friends by keeping their film line up to date in a time when no one else does.


I recall reading comments that nikon coolpixes have good close-up capabilities and that's their asset. Is it still true or have others surpassed them?

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