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Who gets rated?


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You only have one picture left in your portfolio, and you submitted that picture on the 16th for critique. If I remember correctly, someone was using a software to attach the site (rate many pictures within very short period of time), you might receive some ratings from that software, but the fake ratings have been removed later. Try to resubmit the picture now, you should get some.
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with only two pictures online, maybe what you have isn't inspiring others to rate or comment? I would suggest putting more of your pictures online and submitting them for critiques, maybe nobody is coming by your current pictures.


also you will raise the awareness of your own pictures as you comment and critique the pictures of others.

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Seth, I agree with the above.


It appears you've withdrawn photos that didn't receive ratings, instead of keeping them posted. Sometimes raters look to the rest of your work to get an idea of the range of your work before rating, though not usually. In any case, if someone were to stop by your portfolio, now of two photos only, they probably would keep on going right by even though the two photos are of quite decent quality.


If you've been taking photos for 40 years, post some of your best (I have) going back some time, and see what happens, and edit harshly. You must have some wonderful stuff to post. And don't worry about whether or not it gets ratings. Sooner or later, if worthy, people will stop by just to get a look, as many members just troll portfolios. Almost all of my year-old unrated photos (never sent for critique) have over 10,000 views, just from such portfolio trollers. And the trollers often stop by when they rate a photo sent for rating critique.


If you post a question for the various forums and/or participate other ways, you will raise your visibility and people will click the link to your portfolio to see the quality of your work.


Keep at it. Be methodical. Make a pledge to yourself to post at least four photos a month of high quality or many more and see what happens, and don't withdraw them if they don't get ratings or even low ratings. (Low ratings are the name of the game these days with rate recent for many types of photos that formerly got higher ratings, so don't be discouraged, and besides it's not an attack on your self-worth.)


Try this; it's time-tested advice, and it'll be good for getting your portfolio visibility -- raters can't rate what they can't see.


I've over 100 to 150 photos never submitted for critique in my portfolio folders, including some of my best work in my Early B&W folder -- it gives a reward to those who troll portfolios or who don't just click on the 'highest-rated' photos of the photographer.


Good luck!


John (Crosley)

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Seth, the advice above is good. I'll also emphasize that you may want to consider rating the works of others. If you comment along with those ratings you will almost certainly start getting feedback. With 40+ years experience I'd image you have lots of insight to share.
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  • 2 years later...
I would agree that the advice given to you is very good. John Crosley has given us all, actually, words of wisdom and common sense. Look and comment, when you have the time, on other people s work. Photography is mainly about communication not a one way street. From what I can see in your portofolio you have some very individualistic material which I like very much. I am sure that others would too. Use the advice given to you and they will find you.
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  • 1 year later...

I've often wondered the same question myself regarding the initial influx of ratings and comments that people get when they first submit an image. It seems that some photos get a ton of ratings right out of the gate, and some photos with higher merit get few. Understanding that people on this site are from around the world... but it seems that if you post at certain times of the day you are more likely to get ratings. I think a lot of the initial results are more luck than anything.


I agree for the most part with the above posts. If you post a lot of photos, you eventually are going to draw attention to your portfolio. When people visit your portfolio, they may leave ratings and comments on the photos they like.

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